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secondary school children should study international ne […]


secondary school children should study international news 雅思写作大作文8分范文



It is believed that secondary school children should study international news as one of their school subjects. Others think that this is a waste of valuable school time. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.




Ever since the broadcast of the first international news, it has become an essential element in people’s daily life. Therefore some claim international news should be included in the curriculum of secondary students whereas others oppose this suggestion. Personally, I believe that international news should be taught to secondary students.



There are two supporting arguments to my statement. First of all, acquiring international news helps students to rich their knowledge and broaden their horizon. To be specific, with the development of globalization, the ties between countries have been enhanced leading to a more integrated world where nations depend on each other. Hence, a comprehensive understanding of international affair provides secondary students with the basic knowledge for exploration of the world. Thus, it is important to these students.



Secondly, equipped with knowledge of international news, secondary students are more likely to find a good job in the future. Under the impact of commercialization and globalization, there are an increasing number of international companies. These firms require their employees have global visions which can only be achieved through the learning of international news. That is to say, those who studied international news will have more globalized visions making them more competitive in the job market. Therefore, they have a better chance to work in multinational companies.



However, the biggest weakness of this statement is that secondary students may find it very difficult to absorb such news. For instance, some foreign policies such as economic sanction and humanitarian aid may not be familiar to students who are in the second level. In respect of this, the idea of teaching international news is neither attractive nor productive. Nevertheless, if teachers could explain these terminologies to their students with patience and illustration, students would sooner or later understand international news.



In summary, the suggestion of teaching secondary students international news benefits both the educational system as well as the job market. However, substantive patience and demonstration should be involved in the process of teaching so that efficiency could be accomplished.



本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/41705.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

secondary school children should study international news 雅思写作大作文8分范文:等您坐沙发呢!


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