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剑桥雅思14Test2Section2听力答案解析 visit to Branley Castle




剑桥雅思14Test2Section2听力高频词汇 visit to Branley Castle

剑桥雅思14 Test2 Section2听力答案解析


对应原文:it was decided that rather than repair the guest rooms, they’d make a new house for her out of wood next to the main hall … but unfortunately it was destroyed a few years later by fire.

答案解析:A选项对应的内容前面有rather than,因此排除。C选项是伊丽莎白女王来访几年之后的事情,因此也排除。B选项new是听力录音原词,building对应house,constructed对应make,由此确定为正确答案。


对应原文:by 1982 the Fenys family could no longer afford to maintain the castle, even though they received government support, and they put it on the market. It was eventually taken over by a company who owned a number of amusement parks

答案解析:虽然A,B选项都有提到,但它们并不是城堡的买家。Fenys family是原来的持所有者,而政府则提供资金支持。题干中sold to与taken over同义替换,因此确定答案为C。


对应原文:When you go inside, you’ll find that in the state rooms there are life-like moving wax models dressed in costumes of different periods in the past, which even carry on conversations together.

答案解析:A选项中的experts,B选项中的actors和characters都属于无中生有,因此统统排除。C选项中models和moving为录音原词,historical figures对应different periods in the past,talking对应conversations,由此确定为正确答案。


对应原文:in the nineteenth century the owners had a little zoo with animals like rabbits and even a baby elephant. Nowadays the old zoo buildings are used for public displays of paintings and sculpture. The park also has some beautiful trees, though the oldest of all, which dated back 800 years, was sadly blown down in 1987.

答案解析:A选项800年的古树在1987年的时候被吹倒了,而C选项的小型动物园则是19世纪的事情,因此统统排除。B选项art exhibition对应public displays of paintings and sculpture,由此确定为正确答案。


对应原文:at the end of our visit we’ll all meet together at the bottom of the Great Staircase. We’ll then go on to the long gallery, where there’s a wonderful collection of photographs showing the family who owned the castle a hundred years ago having tea and cakes in the conservatory – and we’ll then take you to the same place, where afternoon tea will be served to you



对应原文:The starting point’s quite near the main entrance – walk straight down the path until you get to the south gate, and it’s just there

答案解析:起始点位于主入口附近,沿着路往前走,直到到达south gate,因此确定答案为H。


对应原文:The quickest way to get there is to take the first left after the main entrance and follow the path past the bridge, then you’ll see it in front of you at the end



对应原文:If you go from the main entrance in the direction of the south gate, but turn right before you get there instead of going through it, you’ll see it on your right past the first tower

答案解析:从主入口朝着南门方向走去,在到达之前右转,经过第一座塔楼之后,Hunting birds display就在你右手边,由此确定F为正确答案。这道题比较坑的地方在于,大家需要根据图形特点,确定C选项所在位置为塔楼。


对应原文:traditional dancing on the outdoor stage. That’s right at the other side of the castle from the entrance, and over the bridge



对应原文: It’s actually inside one of the towers, but the way in is from the outside. Just take the first left after the main entrance, go down the path and take the first right


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