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剑桥雅思14Test2Section3听力答案解析 Wolly mammoths on St Paul&#82 […]

剑桥雅思14Test2Section3听力答案解析 Wolly mammoths on St Paul’s Island





剑桥雅思14 Test2 Section3听力答案解析


对应原文:ROSIE: Maybe we could show a video clip of a cartoon about mammoths. But that’d be a bit childish. Or we could have a diagram, it could be a timeline to show when they lived, with illustrations?

MARTIN: Or we could just show a drawing of them walking in the ice? No, let’s go with your last suggestion.



对应原文:MARTIN: … for a start it was in really good condition, as if it had been just extracted from the animal’s jawbone …

ROSE: Well the mammoth bones previously found on the North American mainland were much less recent than that. So this was really amazing.

答案解析:B选项完全没有提到。原文中说的是,这颗牙齿保存的很好,就像刚从动物嘴里拔出来的一样,并不是真的仍然在动物嘴里,因此排除A。而C选项中not as old as则与原文中much less recent对应,并且后面还有amazing照应题干上的surprising,由此确定为正确答案。


对应原文:So those mammoths on the island couldn’t escape; they had to stay on the island

答案解析:这道题没有设置什么干扰项,主要难点在于原文中animated diagram和答案所在句子有一定的距离,比较考验耐心。只要听到stay on the island,基本就可以确定A为正确答案了。


对应原文:They concluded that the extinction happened 5.600 years ago, which is a very precise time for a prehistoric extinction



对应原文:I’m not sure. I think we need to write down all the ideas we want to include here, not just rely on memory.

答案解析:Rosie认为他们应该在开头部分文章来自老烤鸭雅思把所有想讲的观点都写下来,而不是单单依赖自己的记忆。E选项make detailed notes与write down all the ideas对应,由此确定为正确答案。


对应原文:I thought maybe we could get in touch with the researcher who led the team and ask him to tell us a bit more

答案解析:同样是Rosie提出,他们可以联系研究团队的主管,让他告诉他们更多的内容。D选项contact对应get in touch with,其他基本是原词,由此确定为正确答案。


对应原文:We could ask the audience to suggest some questions about it and then see how many of them we can answer

答案解析:听到initial questions意识到答案即将到来。Rosie建议让观众提一些问题,看看他们能回答出多少来。即与听众的互动,由此确定A为正确答案。


对应原文:ROSIE: I don’t think so, but it’s all a bit muddled at present.

MARTIN: Yes, maybe it would be better if it followed a chronological pattern

答案解析:Martin先提出这部分的内容有点多,要不要删去一些,但被Rosie给否定了。随后Rosie指出如果按照时间顺序排列的话会更好一些。H选项more clearly对应上文的a bit muddled,由此确定为正确答案。


对应原文:The findings and possible explanations section is just about ready, but we need to practise it so we’re sure it won’t overrun

答案解析:针对这部分要事先练习,以防超时。it won’t ovrrun与check timing对应,由此确定G为正确答案。


对应原文:In the last section, relevance to the present day, you’ve got some good ideas but this is where you need to move away from the ideas of others and give your own viewpoint

答案解析:这道题比较简单一些,give your own viewpoint与personal opinions同义替换,由此确定C为正确答案。

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剑桥雅思14Test2Section3听力答案解析 Wolly mammoths on St Paul’s Island:等您坐沙发呢!


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