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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Spending time with others 与他人共度时光 这道题其实 […]

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Spending time with others 与他人共度时光


Do you like talking with people? 你喜欢跟人们交谈吗?

I am an introverted person who prefers to remain silent in front of strangers. But I can be pretty talkative when I am hanging out with my friends. You would not recognize me as the same person in these two different situations. So I guess the answer depends on who I am interacting with.


How do you like spending time with your friends? 你喜欢如何跟朋友打发时间?

Definitely playing Wangzherongyao, a cellphone game published by Tencent, a tech giant in China. Every day after school, we would rush back to the dormitory, enter the virtual world, team up to fight against our enemies.


Would you prefer to study alone or with others? 你喜欢独自学习还是跟其他人一起学习?

In most cases, I would study alone. I find it is more productive and efficient in this way. By contrast, when I am studying with my friends, this article is from Laokoaya website, I often cannot resist the temptation to chat with them. As a result, the homework that should have been finished within half an hour can take a whole afternoon.


Do you remember a time when you need to cooperate with others? 你是否记得需要跟他人合作的某次经历?

Yes, I do. Just last month, our professor assigned a group project, where I need to collaborate with three of my classmates to complete a survey on people’s attitudes towards false news on social media. To be as comprehensive as possible, we decided to break up the task and each took care of 20 subjects.



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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Spending time with others 与他人共度时光:等您坐沙发呢!


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