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大城市给年轻人带来的问题 雅思写作城市类7.5分范文 这篇雅思写作大作文要求大家探讨大型城市快速发展过程中,年 […]

大城市给年轻人带来的问题 雅思写作城市类7.5分范文



With major cities continue growing, are there any problems to young people? How to solve these problems?




Major metropolises around the world are experiencing exponential growth. This essay outlines some of the major issues this causes for younger members of society and some ways to address them.



Rapidly growing cities cause two major issues for young people. The most serious is the difficulty youths face to get employed in the competitive job market of a growing city. This is because of age discrimination in the labour market based on the perception that young people are less competent workers. The second problem is the feeling of alienation. As the population increases, people tend to be less familiar with people in their community, and young people in particular often lack an established social network and start to feel isolated from society.



However, there are some ways to alleviate these problems. Firstly, the government can provide subsidies to companies that are willing to hire young people. These subsidies will make it more attractive for companies to hire young people and this will allow them to get experience so that they will be more employable in the future. This is translated by Laokaoya website. With regard to alienation, the best way to deal with this is to have grassroots community organisations that reach out and help young people. An effective way to do this is to have public service advertising for these types of organisations on social media platforms that young people often engage in.



In conclusion, megalopolises are negatively impacting the youths in many countries around the world by making it extremely difficult for them to get jobs and by often causing feelings of social isolation. The best ways to tackle these problems are for the government to provide policies aimed at assisting youths to gain employment and for community organisations to help provide a support network for at-risk individuals.



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