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计算机更多地是障碍-雅思写作同意与否-雅思大作文范文 computers to be more of a hi […]

计算机更多地是障碍-雅思写作同意与否-雅思大作文范文 computers to be more of a hindrance



Some people consider computers to be more of a hindrance than a help. Others believe that they have greatly increased human potential. How could computers be considered a hindrance?



Many believe that computer technology has immensely helped the human race to progress, but others are convinced that it has more drawbacks than benefits. This essay examines how could computers be deemed an impediment.


Many people are addicted to computers and the Internet and they have no social and personal life. Without a computer, many people believe that they cannot work or continue their studies. For example, some people who work in a blue-collar environment cannot work when the Intenet connection is interrupted. This over-reliance could bring catastrophic results, especially in sensitive sectors. A simple mistake in an atomic energy research center can destroy millions of lives.


Moreover, it is undeniable that the overuse of computers has health hazards. One of the examples is the solar radiation from the computer screen, which damages our eyesight. It has been reported that the number of people who wear glasses has increased significantly since the invention of computer technology. Computers have negative effects on the way people socialize and interact with each other. With the invention of portable computers, tablets, and smartphones, people remain busy with their own devices. They use the Internet all day long in their room and scarcely take part in outdoor activities. Consequently, people’s overall health condition is deteriorating and their social relationship is becoming fragile.


In conclusion, although some people think that computer technology has brought a lot of benefits to mankind, others think that it has more negative sides. Some of the reasons for this view are people’s overreliance on the technology and its negative effects on our health and social life as well.



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