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剑桥雅思14Test3Section1听力高频词汇 Flanders Conference Hotel 剑桥雅 […]

剑桥雅思14Test3Section1听力高频词汇 Flanders Conference Hotel




剑桥雅思14Test3Section1听力答案解析 Flanders Conference Hotel


conference n. 会议

例句:The hotel is used for exhibitions, conferences and social events. 这家饭店用于举行展览、大型会议和社交活动。

facility n. 设别

例句:The hotel has special facilities for welcoming disabled people. 这家旅馆有专供残疾人使用的设施。

client n. 客户

例句:Social workers must always consider the best interests of their clients. 社会工作者必须时刻考虑其当事人的最佳利益。

exhibition n. 展览

例句:Have you seen the Picasso exhibition? 你看过毕加索的画展吗?

buffet n. 自助餐

例句:We sat in the station buffet sipping tea. 我们坐在车站的自助餐厅里喝茶。

rooftop n. 屋顶

例句:Spectators stood on rooftops to watch the parade. 观众站在屋顶上观看庆祝游行。

shuttle n. 班车

例句:He took the Washington–New York shuttle. 他乘坐华盛顿-纽约的往返班机。

participant n. 参加者

例句:He has been an active participant in the discussion. 他一直积极参与这次讨论。

charge n. 费用

例句:Customers who arrange overdrafts will face a monthly charge of £5. 透支的客户每月要缴纳5英镑的费用。

airport n. 机场

例句:The plane landed at Heathrow Airport. 飞机降落在希思罗机场。

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