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雅思阅读真题词汇 剑桥雅思14 Test 1 Passage 2 共享单车



剑桥雅思14Test1Passage2阅读原文翻译 The growth of bike-sharing schemes around the world 共享单车

剑桥雅思14Test1Passage2阅读答案解析 The growth of bike-sharing schemes around the world 共享单车


propose v. 提议,建议

例句:The changes were first proposed last year. 改革最初是去年提议的。

withdraw v. 收回,撤回

例句:After much persuasion he agreed to withdraw his resignation. 几经劝说,他同意收回辞呈。

reputation n. 名声

例句:I’m aware of Mark’s reputation for being late. 我知道马克迟到是出了名的。

distribute v. 分发,发放

例句:Milk is distributed to the local shops by Herald’s Dairies. 牛奶由赫勒尔德乳品公司配送给当地商店。

condemn v. 谴责

例句:Politicians were quick to condemn the bombing. 政治家们立即对爆炸事件进行了谴责。

scheme n. 行动计划

例句:The money will be used for teacher training schemes. 这笔钱将用于教师培训计划。

perceive v. 察觉,感知

例句:That morning, he perceived a change in Franca’s mood. 那天早上,他注意到弗兰卡情绪的变化。

consumerism n. 消费主义

例句:They have clearly embraced Western consumerism. 他们显然完全接受了西方的消费主义观念。

initiative n. 倡议,主张

例句:There’s talk of a new peace initiative. 传闻有可能提出新的和平倡议。

symbolic adj. 象征意义的

例句:The dove is symbolic of peace. 鸽子是和平的象征。

elaborate adj. 精细的,详细的

例句:People invented farming tools, designed elaborate irrigation networks and built the first cities. 人们发明了农具, 设计了精巧的灌溉网络.建造了初期的城市.

unanimously adv. 全体一致地,无异议地

例句:Today its executive committee voted unanimously to reject the proposals. 今天执行委员会投票一致否决了这些提案。

glorious adj. 光荣的,辉煌的

例句:Harrison had a glorious career spanning more than six decades.  哈里森辉煌的职业生涯长达60多年。

conscious adj. 有意识的

例句:The driver was still conscious when the ambulance arrived. 救护车赶到时,司机仍然神志清醒。

theft n. 盗窃

例句:There have been a number of thefts in the area. 该地区发生了几宗偷窃案。

instantly adv. 立刻,马上

例句:The information was instantly available. 信息即时可得。

abolish v. 废除,撤销

例句:Slavery was abolished in the US in the 19th century. 美国于19世纪废除了奴隶制。

pivotal adj. 至关重要

例句:The elections may prove to be pivotal in Colombia’s political history. 这一选举可能成为哥伦比亚政治史上关键的一次。

decisive adj. 决定性的

例句:She has played a decisive role in the peace negotiations. 她在和谈中起了关键作用。

patent n. 专利

例句:The drugs are protected by patent. 这些药品受专利保护。

optimistic adj. 乐观的

例句:Andrew took a more optimistic view. 安德鲁抱有更为乐观的想法。

雅思阅读真题词汇 剑桥雅思14 Test 1 Passage 1 儿童玩耍的重要性

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