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too many resources on the protection of wild animals 雅思 […]

too many resources on the protection of wild animals 雅思写作动物保护类7.5分范文



Some people argue that too much attention and too many resources are given to the protection of wild animals and birds. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




The protection of wildlife has become a frequent subject of debate with strong arguments for and against it. Personally, I believe that humans are paying too much attention and allocating too many resources to this issue, as will now be explained.



Firstly, if we allow any species to disappear, this is actually not a disaster. Some people may argue that the ecosystems will be seriously affected if birds and wild animals are on the verge of extinction, but this is an exaggeration. This article is translated by Laokaoya website. Fossil evidence suggests that the mass disappearance of the dinosaurs did not cause any harm to other species on the Earth, but merely triggered the emergence of others such as mammals. Therefore, we should not devote too much attention to the protection of wildlife.



Secondly, public money is limited. So we should allocate our national budget to more urgent issues rather than expending too much on the conservation of wild animals and birds. For example, more resources should be diverted to medical research to find out remedies for fatal diseases such as HIV and cancer, which may help to save thousands of lives in society.



Finally, the government can simply protect wildlife by continuing campaigns to raise public awareness of the protection of wildlife habitats or imposing stricter punishments on activities that may harm wild animals. Any individual who hunts wildlife for food or for pleasure should be given a heavy fine, and this may discourage them from threatening the life of wild animals.



In conclusion, while I do not the argument for the conservation of wildlife, I believe that it should attract less attention and fewer resources from the public.



本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/44514.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

too many resources on the protection of wild animals 雅思写作动物类7.5分范文:等您坐沙发呢!


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