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剑桥雅思15Test3Part1听力高频词汇 Employment Agency: Possible Jobs




剑桥雅思15Test3Part1听力答案解析 employment agency: possible jobs


assistant n. 助力,助手

例句:My assistant will now demonstrate the machine in action. 现在我的助手将演示机器运转情况。

responsibility n. 责任,职责

例句:Kelly’s promotion means more money and more responsibility. 凯利获得提升,这意味着钱多了,责任也更大了。

attend v. 参加,参与

例句:I am the first child in my family to attend college. 我是家里第一个读大学的孩子。

detail n. 细节

例句:Details of the course can be found on our website. 课程的详细介绍可以在我们的网站上找到。

minimum n. 最小值

例句:The minimum number of students we need to run the course is fifteen. 我们开这门课程最少要有15个学生。

stock n. 库存,存货

例句:I’m afraid we’re temporarily out of stock. 很遗憾,我们暂时脱销了。

organised adj. 有条理的

例句:Services need to be more effectively organised than they are at present. 服务的管理应该比现在更加有效。

warehouse n. 仓库

例句:Completion of this Administration Building will provide spaces for Central Office, Warehouse, and Canteen facilities. 行政大楼将包含中央写字楼, 仓库及饭堂等设施.

diary n. 日志

例句:I’ll make a note of our next meeting in my diary. 我将把下次会议的事记在我的记事簿上。

delivery n. 递送,交货

例句:Most Indian restaurants offer free delivery. 大多数印度餐馆提供免费外送服务。

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