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考生可以选择雅思口语考试预约的日期吗?现在官方已经开通了此项服务,相比之前人性化了一点。在你报名雅思考试后当次 […]

考生可以选择雅思口语考试预约的日期吗?现在官方已经开通了此项服务,相比之前人性化了一点。在你报名雅思考试后当次雅思报名截止日期前这个期间,官方会给你发送一封名为“雅思口试预订即将开放 The Pre-booking service for IELTS test will be available”的电子邮件,具体的雅思口语预定方式方法和路径在邮件中会具体提及到,老烤鸭雅思提醒各位烤鸭们留意查阅自己的报考时填写的邮箱。


尊敬的 XXX 考生您好,


您的口语时间预订服务即将于报名截止日期前2天前的0时开放,并于报名截止日的凌晨5时结束,口试预订开放日期及报名截止日期详见报名网站最新消息中的 《2018年雅思考试报名截止日期、准考证打印日期和成绩单寄送日期》。
在口试预订开放时间段内,您可以登录教育部考试中心雅思报名网站 https://ielts.etest.net.cn/ 或者 https://ielts.etest.edu.cn/, 在英国文化教育协会根据考务安排开放的口语日期范围内选择口语考日期上/下午时间段; 如果您放弃预订、错过预订时间或无法在线预订,您的口试将由英国文化教育协会统一安排,且不能按照考生的要求进行更改。

1. 请注意:此预订功能仅为意向性安排英国文化教育协会将尽量根据考生的意愿安排,最终口语考试日期及时间请以准考证为准。您的准考证将于考试日期前10天生成, 届时请及时登录教育部考试中心雅思报名网站下载打印。文章转自老烤鸭雅思考试当日须出示准考证方可入场。为便于您及早规划时间,请务必及时登录报名网站打印准考证。
2. 考生只能预订一次口语考试,一旦完成雅思口语考试预约确认则无法更改;如预订口试日期后取消,则不能再次预订;如在预订口语日期后选择转考或退考,则口试预订将自动失效。 为保障您的权益,请于考前登录雅思报名网站仔细阅读雅思考试考生须知》及 《雅思考试考生声明》。



Dear XXX

Thank you for registering the IELTS.

Pre-booking service of the speaking test will be available from 2 days before registration deadline at 0 to 5 am on registration cut-off date. For more details concerning the dates of pre-booking service and registration deadline, please refer to Key Dates for 2018 IELTS Test. in the first page of ‘New Updates’.
You can choose your desired speaking test date and preference for morning or afternoon by logging onto the NEEA IELTS online registration website https://ielts.etest.edu.cn/ or https://ielts.etest.net.cn/. If you choose not to pre-book, miss the booking deadline or fail to make an online booking, your speaking test time will be arranged automatically later and cannot be revised according to the request of any candidates.

Special tips:
1. Please kindly note that this service is only provisional, and that your final speaking arrangement will be displayed on your Admission Ticket which will be ready 10 days before the test date. Please download and print it from the NEEA IELTS online registration website. This article is from laokaoya website. Do not copy or repost it. You must present your Admission Ticket to gain entry into the test building on the test day. You are friendly reminded to print your Admission Ticket on time so as to plan your time as early as possible.
2. You can book your speaking test only once, and this booking cannot be modified once it has been confirmed. If you choose to cancel your booking, you will not be allowed to book again. If you choose to transfer or cancel after you have booked your speaking test date, your booking will be automatically cancelled. For your own benefit, please read the ‘IELTS Candidate Rules’ and ‘IELTS Candidate Declaration’ carefully on the NEEA IELTS on-line registration website before your test.

Should you need further assistance, please feel free to contact us.


Dear XXX, Thank you for your email to the IELTS National Call Centre.
I hope you will find the information helpful. Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards.


IELTS National Call Centre 雅思全国呼叫中心

National Education Examination Authority, Ministry of Education, People’s Republic of China


Guoshi Building|1 Shangdi 6 Street|Haidian District|Beijing 100085|China

北京市海淀区上地六街1号 | 国试大厦 | 100085

Tel (电话): +86 (0) 10 82345671

Fax (传真): +86 (0) 10 82345671-1-3; +86 (0) 10 61957800

Email (电邮): ielts@mail.neea.edu.cn

IELTS on-line registration website (雅思报名网站): https://ielts.etest.net.cn/ , https://ielts.etest.edu.cn/

China IELTS official website (雅思中文官方网站): http://www.chinaielts.org/

Service Time: Monday – Friday: 08:30 – 17:00 Saturday (when a writing examination is held): 07:30 – 13:00

服务时间:周一到周五:08:30 – 17:00 周六(笔试日):07:30-13:00


系统已接受您的口试日期20XX年XX月XX日 星期四 上午时间段预订,您的选择会被优先安排。请注意此预订功能仅为意向性安排,您的最终口语考试日期及时间安排请参考准考证。您的口语日期只能选择一次,一经确认不得更改。如确认日期后取消,您将不允许再次预订。如您在预订口试后转考或退考,您所预订的口试安排将自动失效。



本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/4724.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考



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