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剑桥雅思7 G类 TestB Section2阅读答案解析 The law on minimum pay 剑桥 […]

剑桥雅思7 G类 TestB Section2阅读答案解析 The law on minimum pay

剑桥雅思7 G类部分TestB Section2第一篇文章的主题为最低收入的法律规定。具体内容包括法律的适用范围,最低的工资标准,以及当自己的收入低于该标准时的处理方法。下面是具体每道题目的答案解析。

剑桥雅思7 G类 TestB Section2阅读答案解析


第15题答案:family business

对应原文:Amongst those to whom it does not apply are those engaged in unpaid work and family members employed by the family business.

答案解析:根据原文,有两类人不适用于最低收入的相关法律。一类是unpaid work,另一类是家族生意所雇佣的家庭成员。由于题目中已经给出了volunteer,由此确定答案为family business


对应原文:The development rate for 18-21 year olds and for workers getting training in the first 6 months of a job is 4.60 pounds per hour.



对应原文:There are special provisions for some workers, for example, this article is from Laokaoya website, those whose job includes accommodation.

答案解析:根据原文,法律对于提供住宿的工作存在特殊条款。题目中different rules对应speical provisions,空前词provided with对应includes,由此确定答案为accommodation。

第18题答案:(the) payroll

对应原文:Pay means gross pay and includes any items paid through the payroll such as overtime, bonus payments, commission and tips and gratuities.



对应原文:If you feel able, you should talk directly with your employer.

答案解析:当收入低于国家最低工资标准时,最优先的选择应该是直接跟老板交流。题目中speak to对应talk with,their对应your,由此确定答案为employer。

第20题答案:pay records

对应原文:You have the legal right to inspect your employer’s pay records

答案解析:顺着上一题往下,发现according to the law对应legal right,由此定位到这句话,空前词boss’s与employer’s同义替换,确定答案为pay records。

第21题答案:three months

对应原文:You must make your complaint within three months of the ending of the 14-day notice period.

答案解析:根据空前提示词a period of很容易判断答案应该为某段时间。由此将目标缩小到3 months和14 days。但后者已经对应了题目最后的specified period of time,因此排除,确定答案为three months。

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剑桥雅思7 G类 TestB Section2阅读答案解析 The law on minimum pay:等您坐沙发呢!


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