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剑桥雅思8 G类 TestB Section2阅读答案解析 Recycling at work – […]

剑桥雅思8 G类 TestB Section2阅读答案解析 Recycling at work – handy hints to employers

剑桥雅思8 G类部分TestB Section2第一篇文章的主题为办公场所的垃圾回收。具体内容包括垃圾回收的意义,设立回收项目的做法,以及可回收的物品。下面是每道题目的答案解析。

剑桥雅思8 G类 TestB Section2阅读答案解析


第15题答案:(an) (waste) audit

对应原文:Waste audit部分:Before starting a recycling scheme, perform an audit.

答案解析:根据before recycling定位到原文中的这句话,由句义很容易确定答案为audit。

第16题答案:(duplex) printers

对应原文:Company policy部分第2段:Buy recycled paper. Although this is sometimes more expensive, costs can be reduced by lowering consumption and using duplex printers.

答案解析:根据stationery(办公用品)与recycled paper的对应定位到这句话。原文中提到两种降低花费的手段:减少消耗和使用双面打印机。因此题目问的是什么机器,由此确定答案为duplex printers.

第17题答案:(educational) posters

对应原文:Get everyone involved部分第1段:Raise awareness internally within the company, perhaps by putting up educational posters.

答案解析:根据raise awareness与publicise的对应定位到原文中的这句话。display与putting up同义替换,由此确定答案为educational posters.

第18题答案:(regular) newsletters

对应原文:Get everyone involved部分第5段:Send out regular newsletters reporting on all waste improvements.

答案解析:顺着上一题往下,发现send out正好与题目中的提示词distribute对应,根据修饰关系,确定答案为regular newspaper。

第19题答案:(writing) notes

对应原文:Paper部分:It can serve a variety of purposes before it is recycled, this article is from laokaoya website, such as writing notes.

答案解析:根据unwanted paper定位到原文中的paper部分,这一段中只提到了废纸的一个用途,很容易确定writing notes为正确答案。

第20题答案:(ceramic) mugs

对应原文:Plastic cups部分:Rather than supplying disposable plastic cups in your workplace, get ceramic mugs that can be re-used.

答案解析:顺着上一题往下,根据refreshments与tea的对应定位到plastic cups部分。原文提到要用陶瓷杯替换塑料杯,由此确定答案为ceramic mugs。


对应原文:Electical equipment部分:You could also consider donating your old computers to charities when it comes to replacing them.


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剑桥雅思8 G类 TestB Section2阅读答案解析 Recycling at work – handy hints to employers:等您坐沙发呢!


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