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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:bags 背包 按照剑桥字典的解释,只要是上面开口,能够容纳其他物品的东西都可 […]

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:bags 背包


Do you usually carry a bag? 你经常携带背包吗?

Yes, I usually carry a bag with me wherever I go. It’s a convenient way to keep my belongings organized and easily accessible. I prefer a backpack because it distributes the weight evenly on my shoulders and keeps my hands free. Additionally, I can fit everything I need in it, including my laptop, phone, and other daily essentials.


Do you change your bags often? 你经常更换背包吗?

No, I don’t. I tend to use the same bag for a long time unless it gets damaged or I need a different type of bag for a specific purpose. I find it more convenient to have a bag that I am familiar with and that fits my needs. Plus, changing bags too often can be wasteful and not environmentally friendly.


What kind of bags would you use when traveling? 你在旅游的时候会用哪种包?

When traveling, I usually use a backpack or a rolling suitcase, depending on the length of the trip and the type of transportation I’m taking. This article is from laokaoya website. If it’s a shorter trip or I’m only taking public transportation, I prefer to use a backpack because it’s easier to carry around. However, for longer trips or when traveling by plane, I prefer a rolling suitcase because it’s more convenient and can fit more items.


Is a bag an ideal gift? 背包是理想的礼物吗?

I think so, as it’s both practical and versatile. A well-made bag can last for a long time and be used for a variety of purposes, such as carrying books, laptops, or other personal belongings. Additionally, there are many different types of bags available, so it’s easy to find one that suits the recipient’s taste and needs.


Did you use a backpack when you were a kid? 你小的时候用书包吗?

Yes, I did. t was my go-to bag for carrying my school books and other supplies. I remember feeling proud of my new backpack at the beginning of each school year, and I enjoyed choosing different designs and colors.



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