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剑桥雅思17Test3Part3听力高频词汇 Holly’s Work Placement Tutorial



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tutorial n. 辅导课,辅导时间

例句:An online tutorial is provided. 在线辅导可供查阅。

stadium n. 体育馆,体育场

例句:This stadium has seen many thrilling football matches. 这个体育场举行过许多场扣人心弦的足球比赛。

outdoors n. 户外活动

例句:They both have a love of the outdoors. 他们俩都喜爱郊外的环境。

appeal n. 吸引力

例句:The Beatles have never really lost their appeal. 披头士乐队的感染力经久不衰。

ensure v. 确保

例句:The book ensured his success. 这本书保证了他的成功。

obstacle n. 障碍

例句:A lack of qualifications can be a major obstacle to finding a job. 学历不足可能成为谋职的主要障碍。

boundary n. 边界

例句:The fence marks the boundary between my property and hers. 那道篱笆是我和她的住宅之间的分界。

spectator n. 观众

例句:Thirty thousand spectators watched the final game. 3 万名观众观看了决赛。

volunteer n. 志愿者

例句:Schools need volunteers to help children to read. 学校需要义务工作者帮助儿童阅读。

priority n. 最重要的事

例句:Our first priority is to improve standards. 我们的头等大事是提高水平。

injury n. 受伤

例句:Two players are out of the team because of injury. 两名队员因伤退出了比赛。

sponsor n. 赞助者,赞助商

例句:The race organizers are trying to attract sponsors. 比赛的组织者在想方设法吸引赞助者。

deadline n. 截止时间

例句:I prefer to work to a deadline. 我喜欢按规定的期限完成工作。

approach v. 靠近,接近

例句:As you approach the town, you’ll see the college on the left. 快到市镇时就可以看见左边的学院。

panic n. 恐慌,不安

例句:They were in a state of panic. 他们惊恐万状。

flexible adj. 灵活的

例句:You need to be more flexible and imaginative in your approach. 你的方法必须更加灵活,更富有想象力。

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