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雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a film character played by an act […]


雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a film character played by an actor or actress whom you admire 爱豆的电影角色/仰慕的演员所扮演的电影角色




Describe a film character played by an actor or actress whom you admire

You should say

who this actor/actress is

When you saw the film

What the character was like in this film

And explain why you admire this actor/actress




The character I am going to tell you about is John Wick in a film of the same name. He is a retired assassin, searching for the men who broke into his home, stole his vintage car, and killed his puppy, which was the last gift to him from his recently deceased wife. The plot was quite simple, even bordering on crude, but the fighting scenes were some of the coolest ever on the big screen. His movements were clean, efficient, and lethal. He was like the dead reaping the lives of his enemies, never smiled, never chatted.

我要告诉你的角色是同名电影里的John Wick。他是一名退休的杀手,寻找入侵他家、偷走他的赛车、并杀害他小狗的凶手(小狗是她最近去世的妻子送给他的最后的礼物)。其剧情十分简单,甚至算得上是粗糙。但打斗场面却是电影中最出色的。他的动作干净,高效,致命。他就像个死神一样收割着敌人的生命,从来不笑,从来不聊天。

Kanu Charles Reeves acted the character. Born and raised in Canada, he began acting in theatre productions and television series before making his feature film debut. After starring in several films, he rose to fame and became a superstar this article is from laokaoya website for playing Neo in the science fiction series The matrix.


I watched this movie on a Sunday afternoon several months ago. I had finished my assignments and desperately needed some entertainment to kill time. But my friends were all occupied with their own business, and I had been fed up with video games. Then it occurred to me that several days ago, one of my classmates recommended this movie, saying it was the best action movie he had watched in recent years. I thought why not give it a go?


I admire him because of his hardworking. To produce realistic physical fighting and gun fighting scenes. Kanu Charles Reeves received several months of formal training under professionals. Even out of the film, he is now a competent shooter .


Part 3追加问题

Is it interesting to be an actor or actress?

What are the differences between actors/actresses who earn much and those who earn little?

What are the differences between acting in a theatre and in a film?

Why do children like special costumes?


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雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a film character played by an actor or actress whom you admire 爱豆的电影角色:等您坐沙发呢!


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