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2018年7月19日雅思考试答案 大陆卷+亚太卷 老烤鸭独家解析 暑假已经开始,期间的第一场雅思考试也已经结束 […]

2018年7月19日雅思考试答案 大陆卷+亚太卷 老烤鸭独家解析




Section 1 咨询买房事宜


1-10 填空

1. address: 59 Franklyn Avenue. (听力中询问最后三个字母是不是lin,更正说是lyn)

2. postcode: TH12 6OS(也有人回忆是TY12 6OS

3. telephone number: 019488536 (白天的工作电话)

4. preferred style of the house: traditional style(前面说不下换modern)

5. facilities inside:central heating(如果没有这个,住房费用会很高)

6. facilities outside:garage(garden不是必须的,但车库必须有)

7. preferred location:village(虽然在center工作,但喜欢住在乡下)

8. bank loan:$120,000

9. branch bank:park square(支行的名称)

10. to collect details in person(先说给寄过去,女的说离得很近,所以customer will collect details)

Section 2 骑马俱乐部


11-17 选择(顺序可能有偏差)

11. the speaker said the club

A meets the demands of customers(满足顾客的需求)

12. the club does not provide

A An individual classes(私人课程)

13. the speaker said the customers must

B deposit of equipment(设备押金)

14. when the customers do the registration, they

C can cancel two days in advance without charges(提前两天取消不收费用)

15. the nervous customers my

A watch a lesson(观摩课程)

16. the shop in the horse riding club sells

B footwear(鞋子)

17. the Equs Club is for

B riders who are preparing competitions(准备比赛的骑手)

18-20 地图题




18. Cafe:D

19. Booking office:C

20. Waiting area:E




Section 3 探讨学生调查报告分数不高的原因


21-23 多选题

What are causes for low score on the term paper?

A. submit delay (should turn in your paper before the deadline)

C. poor planning (you need to improve your paper’s layout)

E. lack of accurate information (inadequate precise information being provided)

24-26 单选题

24. Just Coffee invest a lot of money in communication

A technical support(技术支持)

25. the salary has greatly increased by

C three times as average(比平均多三倍)

26. she  needs to include more

A farming method(耕种方法)

27-30 填空

27. the students were asked to write the reference document for library

28. Eight products need to be mentioned

29. coffee producer contributed to communites, donated part of the revenue on equipment such as computers

30. there is a so called program “knowledge sharing

Section 4 昆虫相关的内容









These days, an increasing number of people in many cities know little about their neighbors and do not have a sense of community. What do you think are the causes and what solutions can you suggest?



Section 1 enquiry on a nursery

1. Short days: $37.50 for children under two years old

2. Free caring: offer 20 hours every week

3. Children can enjoy outdoor activities on a playground

4. Most of the teachers have previously worked in a primary school

5. Parents will receive a report on a weekly basis

6. The earliest month the two children can join is September

7. Needs to bring apron

8. Should also bring a family photo for kids to avoid homesick

9. A medical certificate from a doctor is required

10. Location: Calliope Avenue

Section 2 a tourist tower

11. Where should they meet after the tour:

C back entrance

12. ****

13. What do people think of the tower:

C landmark

14. What was the tower used to be:

B communication center

15. From the glasses ground, you can have a good view

16. You can have meals and rest in the restaurant. Outdoor you can see an art gallery

17. There is a post, where you can send posters to family

18. There is a weather observing station if you are interested in meteorology

19. The other one is an indoor platform

20. There is a cinema, where you can watch some exciting films

Section 4 plastic manufacturing

31. People use cotton and acid to produce plastic

32. Plastic is commonly found on products such as detergent bottles, milk jugs

33. It is used to produce artificial silk

34. Cellulose is not like real plastic because it becomes hard when heated

35. First plastic was invented in a laboratory

36. A chemist named Alexander Parker developed it

37. Plastic can be produced by collecting recycled pens

38. One disadvantage is that plastic produces gas when it is burnt

39. Research has shown that plastic decomposes by the light

40. Natural wood no longer has a stranglehold on rubber products



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