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2023年4月15日雅思考试答案 今天考试的吐槽主要集中在听力的Part4和阅读的第三篇文章。前者完全不知道它 […]




Part 1 报名参加活动


1. 463 Beacon Avenue

2. Date: 27 June

3. sailing for girls

4. confidence

5. certificate

6. drama

7. cookery

8. gold

9. need to rent wetsuit

10. when should they meet: before 7 am

Part 2 花园保护


11-14 多选

11-12. what free demonstration will there be

C. trimming branches guidance

D. set pocket ladybugs for free

13-14. which place’s volunteer work will help you currently?

A. café

D. gift shops

15-20 匹配

15. Murrygarden: native plants

16. Vincent garden: living in dry land, can store water

17. Smith garden: edible plants

18. Lulean Garden: alternative plants to your yard

19. Gameron garden: adding soil nutrient, organic fertilizer

20. Sadioly garden: has special color

Part 3 论文讨论


21-26 单选

21. the main idea of the paper is

C. increased children obesity

22. why care about exercise instead of diet

B. less is known about exercise

23. what is the professor’s opinion?

C. more accurate statistics data

24. the parents driving children to and from school leads to

B. the increase of two cars in family

25. current problem met by early researchers?

B. not knowing where to start

26. 缺失

27-30 多选

27-28. choose the reference criteria of the control group in this experiment

C. similar age

D. the same distance to schools

29-30. what does it expect to discover from students who walk to school?

A. less rate of being obese

C. more sports activities

Part 4 人与人之间的信任问题


31. when kindness occurs, oxygen will be released

32. recognize a person’s face

33. obligation/responsibility to return the money

34. when returning the money, with a higher level of oxygen

35. the first person has no expectation

36. involved a risk, so it is conditional

37. oxygen release when interaction starts

38. trust involves a cooperation process

39. understand trust reduce poverty

40. oxygen can be seen as a social glue


2023年1-4月雅思口语机经 雅思口语Part1范文

2023年1-4月雅思口语题库 雅思口语Part2答案








Some people think paying taxes is a big enough contribution to their society, while others think people have more responsibilities as members of society than only paying taxes. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/54992.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考



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