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Many customs are no longer relevant to the modern life […]

Many customs are no longer relevant to the modern life 雅思写作传统类7分范文



Many customs and traditional ways of behavior are no longer relevant to the modern life and no worth keeping. Do you agree or disagree?



In this modern era, there is an ongoing debate about whether traditional customs and ways of behavior are still relevant in our lives today. Some people argue that these practices are outdated and have no value in modern life. However, I completely disagree with this viewpoint and believe that traditional customs and ways of behavior are still important and worth preserving.


First and foremost, traditional customs and ways of behavior are an essential part of our cultural heritage. They are a reflection of our history, values, and beliefs, and help us to maintain a connection to our roots. By preserving these customs and ways of behavior, we are keeping our cultural identity alive, and ensuring that future generations can learn and appreciate the traditions that have been passed down to us.


Moreover, many traditional customs and ways of behavior have practical benefits that are still applicable in modern life. This article is from laokaoya website. For example, the custom of showing respect to elders is still relevant today, as it helps to promote harmony and mutual understanding in our communities. Similarly, the tradition of exchanging gifts on special occasions is a way of strengthening social bonds and expressing gratitude, which is just as important now as it was in the past.


Finally, traditional customs and ways of behavior can provide a sense of stability and comfort in an ever-changing world. In a world where technology and globalization are constantly changing the way we live and work, holding onto these traditions can provide a sense of continuity and familiarity. They can serve as a source of comfort and solace in times of uncertainty and change.


In conclusion, it is important that we continue to value and respect the traditions, and ensure that they are passed down to future generations.



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Many customs are no longer relevant to the modern life 雅思写作传统类7分范文:等您坐沙发呢!


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