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2023年5月6日雅思考试答案 今天考试各个方面都很正常。听力和阅读并没有因为五一假期刚刚结束就整什么幺蛾子。 […]




Part 1 运动俱乐部


1-7 填空

1. small gym is open exclusively to women

2. new member can have a free health check

3. and put a program

4. for medical check, further meeting with instructor: every 6 weeks

5. newly opened program: yoga

6. additional facilities: a café

7. beautify salon will offer service like massage

8-10 选择

8. An off-peak gold membership cannot be applied in

A. in the evenings of weekdays

9. silver membership has to pay extra 5 dollars:

A. every time using the club facilities

10. gold membership per month

B. 50 dollars

Part 2 国家植树大会


11-17 填空

11. 20 million trees are planted since the 1st festival planting day

12. it also provides shade in hot weather

13. it can lessen noise of cars

14. it can reduce people’s stress levels

15. it can reduce the risk of flooding

16. not convenient for people to reconstruct rural area

17. because of changes in climate and insects bring diseases

18-20 多选

18-20. 题干缺失

A. art exhibition

B. make art from wood

E. new publication

Part 3 实习生工作反馈


21-26 匹配

21. hotel booking accommodations: D. easy

22. airport transfer: D. easy

23. arrange catering: B. challenging

24. leisure activities: C. enjoyable

25. tour on company premises: B. challenging

26. information technology problem: A. frustrated

27-30 多选

27-28. What does the boss think of Alex

A. intelligent

C. offer suggestions

29-30. what area does Alex think he should improve?

C. planning phone calls

D. be more decisive

Part 4 飞行讲座


31. the game used in business is mainly for marketing

32. initially used on airlines

33. online feedback

34. using training program to test pilots

35. game should be focused on fun

36. game has been applied in the medical field to help elder people to train their hands

37. it influences people’s judgment and behaviors

38. encourage people to do more exercise by painting the stairs like a piano

39. improved with technology

40. game agency should protect people’s privacy


2023年5-8月雅思口语机经 雅思口语Part1范文

2023年5-8月雅思口语题库 雅思口语Part2答案








Some people think the government should support artists of all kinds, such as painters, musicians, and poets, while others believe this is a waste of money. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/55501.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考



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