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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Health 健康 运动算是雅思口语考试中老生常谈的内容,时不时就换个角度考察 […]

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Health 健康


How do you keep healthy? 你是如何保持健康的?

Each evening, I engage in a 2-kilometer jog on the playground. This routine not only aids in loosening my stiff muscles after prolonged periods of sitting but also provides an opportunity for introspection, allowing me to contemplate my actions and assimilate the knowledge acquired throughout the day.

What are your favorite sports? 你最喜欢的运动是什么?

Table tennis is my favorite sport. My dad, a fervent table tennis enthusiast, began teaching me how to play when I was around five or six years old. Over time, it has become an indispensable part of my life. I feel restless if I go without playing for a few days.


Are there health classes in your school? 你们学校有健康课吗?

Our school provides physical education classes to encourage exercise, but there are no other courses that educate us on maintaining a balanced diet, getting regular rest, and understanding essential nutrients for the body. This article is from laokaoya website. It appears that the school’s emphasis is mainly on academics, rather than prioritizing the promotion of overall health and well-being.


What sports keep people healthy? 哪些运动可以让人保持健康?

Nearly any type of exercise can contribute to maintaining good health, particularly given the sedentary lifestyles prevalent today. Consequently, the emphasis should not be on selecting a particular sport or activity, but rather on initiating physical activity in the first place.


Is it easy for people to exercise in your country? 在你们的国家,人们锻炼容易吗?

I must admit that it has become progressively easier. With the rise in fiscal income, the government has implemented free fitness equipment in numerous parks and communities. Moreover, there has been a surge in the availability of sports facilities like basketball courts and football fields.



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