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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Rain 下雨 这道题目要求大家讨论对下雨这一天气现象的看法。一方面,下雨确实 […]


雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Rain 下雨


Do you like rainy days? Why? 你喜欢下雨天吗?

I absolutely love rainy days, especially when I don’t have any obligations outside. I find immense pleasure in sitting by the window, witnessing the rain cleanse the streets, plants, and buildings, giving them a refreshing and rejuvenated appearance.


Does it rain much in your city? 你城市里下雨多吗?

The amount of rainfall largely depends on the season. In my city, spring and winter are typically dry with minimal precipitation. This article is from laokaoya website. However, summer often brings thunderstorms accompanied by breathtaking lightning displays, while autumn can bring days of continuous rainfall.


Would you like to live in a dry or wet place? 你喜欢居住在干燥还是湿润的地方?

I have a fondness for living in moist environments. The presence of humid air helps to keep my skin from drying out, resulting in significant savings on skincare products.


Would you change your plan if it rained? 如果下雨的话,你会改变自己的计划吗?

Generally, rainy weather doesn’t disrupt my plans. After all, I can always use an umbrella, wear a raincoat, or opt for a taxi when it’s raining. However, during intense rainstorms, I tend to cancel my engagements and prefer to stay indoors, ensuring I don’t get stuck in a place.



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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Rain 下雨:等您坐沙发呢!


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