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剑桥雅思18Test3Passage1阅读答案解析 Materials to take us beyond concrete 混凝土的替代材料


剑桥雅思18Test3Passage1阅读原文翻译 Materials to take us beyond concrete 混凝土的替代材料

剑桥雅思18 Test3 Passage1阅读答案解析



对应原文:G部分第1段:Fly ash, a byproduct of coal-burning power plants, can be incorporated into concrete mixes to make up as much as 15 to 30% of the cement … Iron-ore slag, a byproduct of the iron-ore smelting process, can be used in a similar way.

答案解析:原文中提到过的混凝土的原材料有三种,分别是水泥,煤灰和铁矿石渣。其中,作者并没有说明水泥是怎么来的,但却讲到煤灰是燃煤电厂的副产品,铁矿石渣是铁矿石冶炼过程的副产品。coal-burning power plants和iron-ore smelting process都可以对应题干中的industrial processes,由此确定G为正确答案。


对应原文:D部分:Vancouver, Vienna and Brumunddal in Norway are all home to constructed tall, wooden buildings.

答案解析:有关木质建筑的内容主要集中在D,E,F三部分。题目中所问的地点正好对应D部分最后一句中的Vancouver, Vienna and Brumunddal,由此确定D为正确答案。


对应原文:C部分:Not only are the ingredients of concrete relatively cheap and found in abundance in most places around the globe

答案解析:C部分第一句话就提到,混凝土的原材料十分廉价,而且在全球大多数地方都有大量储备。题干中的widely对应most places around the globe,available对应abundance,raw materials对应ingredients,因此确定C为正确答案。


对应原文:F部分:a wider range of construction projects has been proven in practice will it be possible to see wood this article is from laokaoya website as a real alternative to concrete in constructing tall buildings.

答案解析:F部分最后一句提到,只有在更广泛的建筑项目中经过实践验证后,才能将木材视为建造高层建筑的真正替代品。其中a wider range of对应题干中的more,construction projects对应buildings,real alternative对应vaible construction material,因此确定F为正确答案。


对应原文:D部分:but climate change is driving architects to turn to treated timber as a possible resource.

答案解析:根据wood这一原词,以及traditional和medieval,environmental concers和climate change的对应定位到D部分的开头。空前动词encouraging与driving同义替换,由修饰关系确定答案为architects。


对应原文:E部分:Wood expands as it absorbs moisture from the air and is susceptible to pests

答案解析:顺着上一题往下,根据however定位到E部分。题干中in the atmosphere对应原文中的air,由所属关系锁定答案为moisture。


对应原文:E部分:An adhesive is used to stick layers of solid-sawn timber together, crosswise, to form building blocks.

答案解析:题干in one process提示我们下面描述的是具体制作过程,因此定位到E部分这句话。solid wood对应solid-sawn timber,根据所有格,锁定layers为正确答案。


对应原文:E部分:Construction experts say that wooden buildings can be constructed at a greater speed than ones of concrete and steel and the process, it seems, is quieter.



对应原文:G部分第2段:But Anna Surgenor … the use of alternative materials might not make sense from an overall carbon reduction perspective.

答案解析:Anna Surgenor认为,从减少整体碳排放的角度来看,使用替代材料可能并不合理。即水泥替代品在环境方面的好处可能并不如一开始设想的那么大。由此确定C为正确答案。


对应原文:C部分:According to Cheeseman …  ‘Concrete is amazing stuff. Making anything with similar properties is going to be very difficult.’



对应原文:F部分: its vice-president Markus Mannstrom reports that the company is seeing increasing demand globally for building in wood, with climate change concerns the key driver.

答案解析:Markus Mannstrom表示,公司观察到全球对木制建筑需求的日益增长。气候变化问题是其主要驱动因素。其中concerns对应题干中的worries,climate change对应environment,building in wood对应wood as a construction material,因此确定B为正确答案。


对应原文:H部分:Felix Preston and Johanna Lehne … At present, these alternatives are rarely as cost-effective as conventional cement

答案解析:Flex Preston和Johanna Lehne表示,目前,这些替代品很少像传统水泥那样具有成本效益。其中cost-effective对应题干中expense,rarely对应negative response,alternatives对应new cements,由此确定D为正确答案。


对应原文:B部分:Chris Cheeseman … it is the scale on which it is used that makes it high carbon. The sheer scale of manufacture is so huge, that is the issue.

答案解析:Cheeseman在文章开头表示,使的混凝土成为高碳材料的主要原因在于其生产规模太大。其中high carbon对应environmental damage,scale对应quantities,huge对应large,因此确定A为正确答案。

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剑桥雅思18Test3Passage1阅读答案解析 Materials to take us beyond concrete 混凝土的替代材料:等您坐沙发呢!


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