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2023年7月22日雅思考试答案 今天考试的反馈貌似两级分化。部分同学觉得轻松随意,但也有很多同学觉得难死了, […]




Part 1 旅游信息


1. www.greenride.com

2. a map

3. 5 hours

4. child seat

5. be a good place for bird watching

6. cost for guide

7. phone number: 01743228906

8. during holiday

9. weather

10. behind post office

Part 2 工作中心


11-16 选择

11. 为什么早晨去

B. more job opportunities

12. 他们哪方面有了改善

A. longer appointment

13. 如果不预约直接去会有什么样的帮助?

B. fill the applications

14. 有资金支持做什么样的培训?

C. communication skills

15. 中心提供的什么东西是免费的?

C. computers

16. 曾经从该中心找到工作的人,大多数都认为

A. 提高了职业地位

17-20 匹配

17. profiles: A. employer’s files

18. self-access: E. salaries

19. occupational file: B. job description

20. booklets: E. training opportunity

Part 3 第二语言阅读


21-25 选择

21. Gary struggled to finish the first draft of his essay because he

B. had misunderstood the requirements of the assignment

22. Gary cannot have an extension because

C. the tutor needs time to mark his essay

23. In Gary’s opinion, the problem with Grace and Leland’s survey was that it

A. did not question students

24. What does the tutor maintain about researcher Julie Holland

C. Holland’s research supports the findings of Grace and Leland

25. The speakers agree that children make most progress when they

A. have already learned to read well in their first language

26-30 匹配

26. The introduction: D. not specific enough

27. The first section: B. real-life examples needed

28. The second section: F. not enough references

29. The third section: H. inappropriate style

30. The bibliography: E. Misspelled words

Part 4 一种植物


1. it is illegal to have knotweed planted in your land

2. knotweed has large leaves shaped like a heart

3. it thrives even in salty areas

4. knotweed is popular with bees

5. it was first found on the sides of a volcano

6. it is very damaging to the foundations of houses

7. it should be disposed in areas lined with a type of plastic

8. The UK: frequent movement of soil

9. an expensive method of treating it is poison. But it is unreliable

10. biological control is not successful because of changes in temperature.


2023年5-8月雅思口语机经 雅思口语Part1范文

2023年5-8月雅思口语题库 雅思口语Part2答案


第一篇:Slow food organization






The best way to improve road safety is to increase the minimum legal age of driving cars or motorbikes. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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