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雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a sportsperson you admire 描述一位你钦佩 […]

雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a sportsperson you admire 描述一位你钦佩的运动员




Describe a sportsperson you admire

You should say

Who he/she is

What you know about him/her

What he/she is like in real life

What achievement he/she has made

And explain why you admire him/her




The athlete I am going to tell you about is Cristiano Ronaldo, a Portuguese professional footballer who plays as a forward for Premier League club Manchester United and captains the Portugal national team. A versatile attacker, Ronaldo is capable of playing on either wing as well as through the center of the pitch.


As one of the two most renowned players across the globe, he is the favorite of news media. As long as you have a tiny interest in football or simply browse through the relevant news during the World Cup, you would definitely have heard his name. Moreover, my roommate, Xiaoming, is a fanatic of him, always talking about the honors he had achieved, the diligence he demonstrated and the leadership he showed on the field.


Cristiano Ronaldo is often considered the best player in the world and widely regarded as one the greatest players of all time. This article is from laokaoya website. He has won several European Golden shoes and dozens of trophies, scored over 800 goals for his club and country, and holds a wide range of records. The only pity is that he has not managed to lead his national team to set their feet on the podium of the World Cup.


Besides his wonderful achievements, I admire Cristiano Ronaldo also because of his exceptional self-discipline. You know, there are countless talents in the history of football, but most of them streak across the sky like shooting stars. This is not the case in Cristiano. He sticks to rigorous healthy meals, sheds more sweat on the training field and gym, and never lowers the requirements he places on himself. Maybe, that is why he is still in a perfect competitive state at the age of 36.


Part 3追加问题

Should students have physical education and do sports at school?

What qualities make an athlete?

Is talent important in sports?

Is it easy to identify children’s talents?


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雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a sportsperson you admire 钦佩的运动员:等您坐沙发呢!


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