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It is important for parents to read or tell stories 雅思写 […]

It is important for parents to read or tell stories 雅思写作教育类7分范文



Some people think that it is important for parents to read or tell stories. But others think that parents do not have to do this kind of thing for children because there are so many other sources such as books, movies and TV. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.




In the modern age of technology and digital media, the question of whether parents should engage in reading or telling stories to their children remains a topic of debate. Some argue that parents need not take on this responsibility, given the plethora of alternative sources like books, movies, and TV. However, I firmly believe that parents should actively participate in storytelling, as it fosters a unique and invaluable bond between them and their children, while also offering numerous developmental benefits.


To begin with, the proponents of the view that parents need not tell stories often highlight the abundant resources available today. This article is from laokoaya website. The accessibility of books, movies, and TV shows can indeed expose children to a variety of narratives, making them more independent in their quest for knowledge and entertainment. Furthermore, it can be argued that modern media often provides engaging visuals and interactive experiences that can captivate a child’s attention more effectively than traditional storytelling.


On the other hand, it is crucial to recognize the irreplaceable role parents play in the development of their children. Storytelling serves as a unique bonding experience that builds a strong emotional connection between parents and their offspring. These shared moments create cherished memories, fostering trust and love within the family. In addition, storytelling allows parents to tailor narratives to their child’s age, interests, and needs, enabling them to impart important life lessons and moral values.


In conclusion, while there are indeed alternative sources of storytelling, the role of parents in this essential task cannot be understated. I believe that parents should continue to read and tell stories to their children, as it remains a cherished tradition with long-lasting benefits for both the child and the family.


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/58357.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

It is important for parents to read or tell stories 雅思写作教育类7分范文:等您坐沙发呢!


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