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cultural tradition will be destroyed because of tourist […]

cultural tradition will be destroyed because of tourists 雅思写作旅游类7分范文



Some people think that cultural traditions will be destroyed when they are used as money-making machines aimed at tourists. Other people believe that it is the only way to save such traditions in the world today. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.




In recent years, cultural traditions have become an increasingly popular attraction for tourists worldwide. While some people argue that using these traditions as money-making machines will lead to their destruction, others believe that it is the only way to save them in today’s world. This essay will examine both views and provide my opinion on the matter.



On the one hand, those who argue that cultural traditions will be destroyed when used for tourism contend that commercialization can lead to the dilution of these traditions. As cultural traditions become more accessible to tourists, they can lose their authenticity and originality. For instance, many indigenous communities have seen their traditional clothing, music, and dances altered to suit tourists’ expectations. This can lead to the loss of cultural identity and eventually to the disappearance of these traditions.



On the other hand, proponents of using cultural traditions for tourism argue that it can help preserve them. Tourism can provide a sustainable source of income for those who practice these traditions, allowing them to continue passing them down to future generations. Additionally, tourism can provide an opportunity for communities to showcase their traditions and educate others about their cultural heritage. This can increase awareness and appreciation of these traditions, leading to their preservation and even revival.



In my opinion, while using cultural traditions for tourism can have some negative consequences, it can ultimately lead to their preservation. It is crucial to strike a balance between commercialization and preservation, ensuring that the traditions are not watered down or commercialized excessively. Governments and communities should work together to ensure that tourism is sustainable, ethical, and respectful of local cultures.



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cultural tradition will be destroyed because of tourists 雅思写作旅游类7分范文:等您坐沙发呢!


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