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雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a public facility that has been r […]

雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a public facility that has been renovated and improved (e.g. a museum, a library)描述一个被翻新/改善的公共设施(例如,博物馆或者图书馆)


这里需要注意一个关键词,public facility,它指的是公共设施,是供公众使用或享有的一类设施或场所。这些设施通常由政府或其他公共机构提供和维护,以服务社会大众的需求。所以,同学们最好不要描述那种公私不太分明或者类似万达广场这种商业场所的设施。同学们可以选择描述的公共设施可以包括这些场所:如图书馆、博物馆、公园、学校、医院、交通站点(如火车站、公交站)、体育场馆等。另外,renovated and improved,表达了翻修之后并有提升的意思,所以同学们也不要忽视提升之后的状态。


Describe a public facility that has been renovated and improved (e.g. a museum, a library)

You should say:

What the facility is

When it was renovated and improved

What has been renovated and improved

And explain how you feel about it




A public facility that has undergone significant transformation for improved functionality is the train station in my hometown in Sichuan Province.


Approximately a year ago, the station underwent extensive renovations, elevating it in terms of cleanliness, convenience, and overall quality. The entire transformation was completed within a remarkable three-month period, this article is from Laokaoya website, a pace commonly associated with the efficiency in China. Comparatively, in cities in the U.S. or U.K., such renovations might typically take a year or even longer.


One of the most noticeable enhancements is the waiting area, which has been transformed into a spacious waiting hall with two floors connected by multiple escalators. Upon entering the station, the concern of lugging heavy luggage upstairs is no longer an issue. Furthermore, the entire building is now air-conditioned, providing relief from sultry summers and cold winters. What I find particularly appealing is the addition of a large VIP lounge, which is reasonably priced. Here, passengers can grab some food, relax, and wait comfortably for their trains.


I am genuinely pleased with this renovation project as it offers substantial convenience and comfort to passengers. While it’s disheartening that some stations in my province have yet to undergo similar improvements, I am hopeful that the government will address them in the future.


Part 3 追加问题

What are the benefits of public facilities?

Why are some public transport methods popular, such as the subway?

Why are some public transport methods unpopular?

What kind of transport do young people and old people prefer?

What do you think are the differences between Chinese square dancing now and in the future?


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/58716.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a public facility that has been renovated and improved 改善的公共设施:等您坐沙发呢!


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