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雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe an occasion when you heard someon […]

雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe an occasion when you heard someone complaining about something in a restaurant/store or other business places 描述你曾经在诸如餐馆/商店或者其它商业场所听到听到别人投诉的经历


这道话题卡的细节要求相对较多,几个需要注意的核心关键词有:heard someone complaining和business place。也就是说,你所描述的经历是你当场听到的。同时,这个场合得是一些商业场合,比如餐馆和商店。诸如此类的场所还包括电影院、游乐场以及其它提供商业服务的场所(会所、酒吧、街市等)。


Describe an occasion when you heard someone complaining about something in a restaurant/store or other business places

You should say:

When and where it happened

What he/she complained about

What the result was

And explain how you felt about the experience




I actually can recall a time when I witnessed someone complaining at a restaurant. This incident occurred at a popular Xinjiang restaurant near my home, which was especially crowded on weekend evenings and weekdays.


I observed a middle-aged lady shouting at the reception in the center of the dining hall. Although I was not entirely sure about the details of her complaint, as my friends and I were lining up outside the door, I did overhear her saying that she had waited for half an hour to be served, this article is from Laokaoya website, only to see a family who arrived after her get served before her. She felt this was completely unfair and demanded to speak to the boss. However, it seemed that the boss was occupied at the time and didn’t meet her until several minutes later.


The situation was exacerbated by the fact that the waitress, who was busy serving guests as assigned by the machine, appeared to be impatient as well. The woman continued to yell at the waitress, creating a tense atmosphere as if a confrontation was imminent. However, the boss, who was actually the manager, handled the situation quite well. He apologized to the lady first, found her a spot immediately, and offered her a voucher as compensation. This seemed to calm the lady down.


In my opinion, this experience is quite common in crowded areas, but I do admire the boss’s professional approach. You know, he focused on resolving the issue by apologizing and finding a solution without any unnecessary comments. Sometimes, customers complain because they feel they haven’t received what they were promised. I really appreciate how the manager dealt with this complex situation.


Part 3 追加问题

How do companies train their staff to deal with complaints?

What do people usually complain about?

How do most people complain, in writing or by other methods?

How do people often respond to poor customer service?


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/58910.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe an occasion when you heard someone complaining about something in a restaurant/store or other business places 听到投诉:等您坐沙发呢!


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