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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Taking a rest 休息 How often do you take […]

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Taking a rest 休息

How often do you take a rest? 你多久会休息一下?

I take a rest quite a lot. You know, I usually give myself at least three to five minutes to take a walk if I am going to concentrate on my work/assignments for more than one hour. You know, I need these intervals to alleviate my pressure.


What do you usually do when you are resting? 在休息的时候,你会做什么?

Well, normally, I would just jump or walk a bit as I feel that these kinds of physical activities can help me get away with some illness caused by my sedentary life. Also, this article is from Laokaoya website, I would like to listen to a piece of classical or light music to help me reduce my mental pressure. You know, once I hear the beautiful melody, I feel like all the complicated things in my mind are gone.


Do you take a nap when you are taking your rest? 在休息的时候,你会打个小盹儿吗?

Yes, I do. Sometimes, physical activities like walking won’t help me reduce the feeling of strain. So, I would choose to take a nap to restore my energy. I personally find it extremely helpful especially when I need to handle a lot of tasks during the day.


How do you feel after taking a nap? 打完盹儿之后你感觉如何?

I definitely feel rejuvenated after dozing off. You know, if I work/study for two hours consecutively, I would feel exhausted mentally and physically. However, taking a nap for just several minutes would enable me to jump back to my work without feeling tired any more.



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