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2018年12月13日雅思考试答案 大陆卷 今天是今年的倒数第二场考试。整体来看,难度有些大。感觉雅思爸爸是诚 […]

2018年12月13日雅思考试答案 大陆卷

今天是今年的倒数第二场考试。整体来看,难度有些大。感觉雅思爸爸是诚心不想让大家好好跨个年。听力部分,有同学反应section 3简直难出了天际,从头到尾都不知道他在说什么。阅读部分还算正常。但写作部分的小作文却考察了流程图这种十分冷僻的题型。希望大家考完之后感觉还好。老烤鸭小编根据网上考上的回忆,整理了这次考试的答案,以供大家参考。


Section  1 潜水课程咨询


1-10 填空

1. level of the beginning 或者 for the beginners 适合初学者

2. the month: July 考察月份拼写

3. on a Saturday 考察周几拼写

4. Initially, they will have indoor training 室内训练

5. they will dive in a lake at a mountain 在山边的湖里潜水

6. equipment: only need to buy diving mask 只需要购买潜水面具

7. we also give homework every night. 每晚会布置家庭作业

8. there is a certificate to offer 会提供证书

另一版本为total cost: 375 考察数字

9. more about health information 更多关于健康的信息

10. check the website for more information 登陆网站获取更多信息

Section 2 介绍不同区域内的景点


Section 3 关于选专业的对话


21-25 选择

21. Why does he want to study tourism because?

C. he has good future 他有美好的未来

22. What advantages does he have gained

B. financial planning 经济计划

23. What ability does he have?

C. tolerance 忍耐

24. Why does he choose Polytechnic?

A. more practical 更实际

25. What does the woman think of tourism

A. nobody can predict 没有人可以预测

26-30 匹配题

26. travel and business/ tourist and economy:

D. intense classes 课程很紧张

27. Culture

G. leadership 领导力

28. Japanese and Mandarin

A. language skills 语言技能

29. mechanical operations

B. medicine skills 医疗技能

30. computing of tourism

E. customer relationship 消费者关系

Section 4 英国鸟类保护


31-40 填空

31. male bittern make a distinctive sound in spring for mate 发出独特的声音

32. people take the birds as a luxury food 将鸟作为奢侈的食物

33. more demand from collectors for house decoration 收藏家更多的需求作为房屋装饰

34. wetland habitat ruined for agriculture and construction expansion 因为农业和建筑摧毁栖息地

35. global warming causes the damage of their habitat 全球变暖破坏栖息地

36. rising tides water mixed with salt 上升的潮水混合着盐

37. current focus mainly on the fish number, food sources in reeds 现在主要关注鱼类数量

38. nowadays, natural reserves are all too small 自然保护区都太小

39. pollutions such as chemicals 诸如化学物品的污染

40. conclusion reservation can reduce the number going further down but still at risk 保护区能减少数量下降,但仍然有风险









Many young people like pop stars and international movie stars rather than famous people about the history of their country. Why? Measures?

本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/8464.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

2018年12月13日雅思考试答案 大陆卷:等您坐沙发呢!


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