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2019年10月10日雅思考试答案 大陆卷 今天考试的难度应该算是比较正常的。但雅思听力和写作部分都考到了地图 […]


2019年10月10日雅思考试答案 大陆卷



Section 1 暑期兼职工作咨询


1-10 填空

1. Difficulty: moderate 中等难度

2. park with a good view 拥有很好风景的公园

3. pool under the waterfall 瀑布之下的泳池

4. museum in the central town 城市中心的博物馆

5. can see lots of flowers 可以看到许多的花

6. cafe and seafood 咖啡馆和海鲜

7. you can take the No. 279 bus directly there. 279路公交车直接到那里

8. today is weekday so the last bus time is 5.30 pm 平日里最后的公交车时间是5点半

9. you will get off the bus at the bridge stop 需要在桥梁站下车

10. you will get a map after buying the family ticket 购买家庭票可以得到一张地图

Section 2 参观美术馆


11-15 地图题

11. when was this art gallery open to the public? 艺术馆什么时候对公众开放

C. The year 1888 1888年

12. the former owner of the art gallery wanted it to be 艺术馆之前的主人希望它是

C. the oil painting 油画

13. the biggest capital from donation funded by 最大的资金来自于哪里?

A. local government 当地政府

14. what will be open to the public 什么东西会对公众开放

B. sculpture garden 雕塑花园

15. visits attention: 游客需要注意

A. tickets should be used at a certain time 票只能在特定时间使用

16-20 地图题

16. multimedia room: E

17. Tea house: A

18. the web room: B

19. cafe: C

20. shop: D

Section 3 学生和老师讨论家具公司


21-26 单选

21. what the company does 公司是做什么

C. specialized in XXX products 专精于家具

22. How did company W get involved in this department? W公司如何参与到其中

B. news of article about academic business 商业杂志

23. what is the methodology of research? 研究的方法是什么?

A. check the account 检查账户

24. why did students choose the face-to-face interview 为什么学生选择面对面的访谈

C. less disturbance 干扰比较少

25. how do they think the software? 他们认为软件如何

A. hard to predict 很难预测

26. what is the supervisor’s view on the results of their questionnaire? 导师对调查问卷的看法是什么?

B. it was above average 高于平均水平

27-30 多选

27-28. what influence does the new software bring to the company? 新软件给公司带来了什么影响?

C. extra staff 额外的员工

E. cut labor cost 削减劳务开支

29-30. how do the customers react to the new software? 顾客对新软件反馈如何

C. more involvement in the design 更多的参与到设计中

E. save time 节省时间

Section 4 城市市政交通规划


31-40 填空

31. buildings affect pedestrian access instead of traffic most 建筑物影响行人而非交通

32. take into account of the storage/parking 考虑到停车问题

33. set up enough warning signs 设置足够的警告标志

34. signpost in the dark area must be obvious 黑暗中的标志必须明显

35. some cameras were applied in the past, now boxes for security are installed 现在安全箱被安装起来

36. city planning aims to improve the traffic circulation 城市规划试图提升交通流动

37. remove the graffiti and stickers 移出标示

38. bins shoule be well-arranged 垃圾桶应该被合理放置

39. all furniture in the street must be durable 街道上的家具应该十分耐用

40. introduction of regulation and legal requirement 介绍规章制度和法律要求








The best way to reduce crime committed by young adults is to teach parents parenting skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


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2019年10月10日雅思考试答案 大陆卷:等您坐沙发呢!


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