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雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe an interesting conversation you had […]


雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe an interesting conversation you had with a stranger 与陌生人的有趣谈话


该题目有两个信息点:interesting conversation和stranger。Interesting conversation比较容易,只要大家不把interesting的意思限定为有趣的,而是有意思的,应该思路就能开阔很多。毕竟之前自己不知道的信息,不了解的领域,不明白的事情都可以归为有意思一类。第二点stranger的拓展比较容易陷入死胡同。如果大家想的陌生人是街头擦肩而过的人,那对话几乎不可能,除非是正好帮了别人,或者被别人帮助的情况。仔细想想,我们每天都会与陌生人交谈,只不过可能我们没有注意到,比如超市的收银员、医院的医生、工作中接触的人、排队一切等待的人,或者最常见,也最容易发生对话的出租车司机。


You should say:

Who the person is  这个人是谁

What you talked about  讨论了什么

What kind of person he/she is  他/她是什么样的人

And explain why the conversation was interesting  解释为什么这段对话有意思


The interesting conversation I am going to tell you happened in an Italian bank. I was travelling there and since I was running out of money, I went to the bank to cash some traveler’s checks. The exchange rate was looking healthy. But when I went to the teller, they told me the computer system was temporarily down, so they could not do any transactions. They said the problem would be fixed in a minute. So I waited.


Then I started talking to another guy in the bank. He was a tourist from China and studied in Britain. He had been here for a week, but he was moving on to Germany tomorrow. This article is from Laokaoya website. Do not copy or repost it. He was an architect and he spent four weeks travelling around Europe. He told me the names of some places where we should eat, great food and not too expensive. He also gave me this map of the bus system. He said he did not need it anymore.


The reason I find this conversation interesting is that I never expected to chat with someone in the bank. But I did and got a lot of useful information and some advice for my coming tour.

接下来,不知道考官会怎么追问你?赶紧查看》》》雅思口语Part Three-与陌生人有意思的谈话 ,除此之外,你还需要了解各类话题卡都考了啥,时刻关注老烤鸭官网的最新动态。

本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/907.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe an interesting conversation you had with a stranger 与陌生人的有趣谈话:等您坐沙发呢!


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