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雅思口语Part3: What do people like to do when they are free […]


雅思口语Part3: What do people like to do when they are free in your country? 你们国家的人空闲时间喜欢干什么?

这道题和口语第一部分的题目有类似的地方,都会要求考生谈到一些与做事情或者free time相关的内容。不过,由于是第三部分的问题,要求会更高一些,会考察到考生对整体情况等“大范围”内容的描述。对于问题中涉及的观点内容,考生们不一定要考虑非常周全,可以分区域或者分类别来答,也可以就整体的情况自己做一个综合判断。

Generally, people like to play with their phones during their time off because it’s the most convenient way to have fun. Also, people especially seniors in the city would like to have a walk in the nearest park with their family members during the weekends. You know, this article is from Laokaoya website, public parks are always the best option for the city dwellers to get the escape of the hustle and bustle.


点击返回查看该话题卡: Describe a time you enjoyed your free time 享受空闲时光


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/10287.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语Part3: What do people like to do when they are free in your country? 你们国家的人空闲时间喜欢干什么?:等您坐沙发呢!


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