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雅思G类小作文范文 雅思书信写作 行李箱受损写信给巴士公司 本期雅思培训类书信写作与之前的电脑维修服务质量抱怨 […]


雅思G类小作文范文 雅思书信写作 行李箱受损写信给巴士公司


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.请花二十分钟完成此项任务

You traveled by a long distance bus recently and your suitcase was damaged. 你最近坐一辆长途旅行大巴去旅游了,然后你的行李箱损坏了。

Write a letter to the bus company. In your letter 写一封信给大巴公司,在你的信中

  • inform the bus company of when and to where you traveled 告诉大巴公司你什么时候,在哪里旅行了
  • describe your suitcase and what happened to it 描述一下你的行李箱的样子以及行李箱怎么了
  • explain why the company should pay for a new suitcase 解释为什么公司应该为你赔偿一个新的行李箱

Write at least 150 words. 书写词数不低于150词

You do NOT need to write any addresses. 不用写清楚地址


Dear Sir or Madam:


I am Joe Smith, a loyal customer of your bus service, writing to bring your attention to a property damage while traveling by one of your buses from Hamburg to Frankfurt on 25th June 2018. I am hoping to receive a compensation for the damage and would expect you to issue a show cause letter to the person responsible.

我是Joe Smith,你们大巴服务的忠实客户。2018年六月二十五日我乘坐贵公司的一辆从汉堡开往法兰克福的大巴期间我的一个财产被损坏了,现在写信想引起贵公司的注意。我希望能够得到贵公司的赔偿,也同时希望贵公司能对当时的负责人进行问责调查。

Regarding the incidence, I took a bus (number BT5801) on 25th June 2018 and the bus left the Hamburg Central Bus Station at 7.30 am. Like most travelers, I submitted my suitcase to a bus staff who kept it in the luggage compartment. When the bus arrived at the Frankfurt terminal, I was shocked to discover that my suitcase was severely damaged. This translation is from Laokaoya website. It was a maroon suitcase that my dad has given me as a present. Hence it has a sentimental value to me. It is an expensive suitcase made by Briggs & Riley company.

此次的意外事故是这样的,我在2018年六月二十五日当天乘坐了一辆牌号为BT5801的大巴。大巴在早上七点半的时候从汉堡中心汽车站出发。和大多数游客一样,我把我的行李箱递给了巴士工作人员,他将其放在了行李舱保存了。当我们的大巴到达法兰克福航站楼的时候,我发现箱子受损了,我当时都惊了。这是一个褐红色的行李箱,是我爸爸当做礼物送给我的。所以,这个行李箱对我来说有很深的感情。这件行李箱是由Briggs & Riley生产的,价格不便宜。

Since I have submitted the suitcase to one of your employees before embarking on this journey, I expect you to reimburse me the amount equivalent to the fair value of my suitcase. Please find the enclosed purchase receipt of the suitcase. I have already decided that if you fail to pay me for my loss within the next 14 days, I shall institute legal proceedings against your company in a small claims court.


I am anticipating immediate remedial action.


Yours faithfully,


Joe Smith

本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/10492.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思G类小作文范文 雅思书信写作 行李箱受损写信给巴士公司:等您坐沙发呢!


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