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雅思G类小作文范文 雅思书信写作 给朋友写信送音乐会门票 本期雅思G类书信写作老烤鸭小编要介绍的话题与朋友之间 […]


雅思G类小作文范文 雅思书信写作 给朋友写信送音乐会门票


You should spend about 20 minutes on this task. 请花二十分钟完成此项任务

You bought a music concert ticket. However, you are unable to go. So you want to offer the ticket to your friend.你购买了一场音乐会门票。然而,你现在无法参加了。所以你想把这张音乐会门票送给你的朋友。

Write a letter to your friend. In your letter:写一封信给给你的朋友,在信中。

  • explain the concert 解释一下演唱会
  • why you are unable to go 为什么你无法参加
  • how can your friend receive the ticket 你的朋友怎么接收这张门票

You should write at least 150 words. 不低于一百五十词
You do NOT need to write your own addresses. 不必写清楚你自己的地址


Dear Eric,


Hope you are doing great. It’s been only two weeks since I last saw you and it already feels like a year! I am writing to offer you a concert ticket that I purchased a few days ago. As I can’t make it to the concert, I thought you should go.


On November 7th, Guns N’ Roses is coming to Oakland to rock the city. The full team would be on the stage and it would be a 4 hours’ blast at the Oakland Coliseum. This translation is from Laokaoy website. I did not want to miss my favorite band’s live performance and purchased a ticket. Unfortunately, I will have to cancel it due to a sudden family tour to Canada during the time to meet my grandparents on their 50th wedding anniversary.

在十一月七日的时候,Guns N’ Rose要来奥克兰嗨翻整个城市。整个团队都会来表演,这大概会在奥克兰体育场持续四个小时。我不想错失我最喜欢的乐队的现场表演所以购买了这张门票。不幸的是,由于要庆祝我爷爷奶奶结婚五十周年,家里突然要去旅行,我不得不取消掉它。

I know how much you revere Guns N’ Roses and that’s why I would like you to enjoy the concert. I did not want to disappoint my parents and dishearten my grandmother, who is eagerly expecting me on their marriage anniversary.

我知道是有多么尊敬Guns N’ Roses, 那就是我为什么想要请你去欣赏这场音乐会的原因。我不想让我的父母失望也不想让我奶奶伤心,她已经期待我能来他们的结婚纪念日很久了。

I will give the ticket to David, who is also going to the concert, and you can meet him prior to the concert to collect it. Do not forget to record the performance and share your experience with me when I get back and meet you.


Take care and have fun.


Warm regards,



本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/11396.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思G类小作文范文 雅思书信写作 给朋友写信送音乐会门票:等您坐沙发呢!


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