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2019年4月27日雅思考试答案 大陆卷 今天这场雅思考试是四月份的最后一场,雅思官方也终于良心发现。无论是听 […]


2019年4月27日雅思考试答案 大陆卷


与此同时,雅思口语将迎来又一次的换题。part 1会更换三分之一到二分之一的数量,part 2则会更换一半的题目。为了方便广大考生备考,老烤鸭小编将从29号开始(新题季的第一天)每天晚上在公众号上发布5-8月题季出现的新题和沿用的旧题。欢迎大家实时关注。


Section 1 租房场景


1-10 填空

1. need an additional parking place 需要额外的停车的地方

2. north gate is not in the low town 北门没有在城镇里

3. have a balcony 拥有阳台

4. special facilities of additional gym 拥有额外的健身房

5. available to move in on 30th September九月三十日的时候可以搬进去

6. price: now 1375 现在的价格是1375

7. Date: Thursday 日期是周四

8. meet at the cafe 在咖啡馆见面

9. turn left at the bridge 在桥上左转

10. name: Edward Treloar 考察人民拼写

Section 3 大象和蜜蜂的关系


21-24 多项选择题

21-22. What have the two results happened as elephants stepping on the farmer’s field? 大象踩入农民的田地之后会发生什么结果?

C. farmers have less support for elephant conservation 农民在大象保护上获取的支持较少

E. elephants became aggressive towards the farmers 大象变得对农民更有攻击性

23-24. What two impacts could be made by bees to elephants? 蜜蜂对大象有哪两种影响?

B. they like to attack the sensitive parts of the elephants 它们喜欢攻击大象的敏感部位

D. young elephants are affected negatively 幼年大象会受到消极的影响

25-30 单项选择题

25. what is the result of the experiment of hanging a container of bees by the farms 在农场附近悬挂风箱的实验有什么后果?

C. it can be used for protecting farmer’s crops 可以用来保护农民的庄稼

26. How did the elephants respond to the audio recording of bees? 大象对于蜜蜂的录音如何反应?

B. they ran away quickly and kept looking back 它们很快跑走并一直往后看

27. The reason why one herd of elephants did not run away? 为什么某些大象没有跑走?

B. they never had the experience before 他们之前没有相关的经验

28. What surprised the researches when elephants heard the recording? 大象听到录音之后,什么让研究者们很吃惊?

A. some elephants reacted to it immediately 一些大象立刻做出反应

29. What is the drawback of the application of bee recording? 应用蜜蜂录音的缺陷是什么?

B. training suitable people to set out the device 需要训练合适的人来放置装置。

30. What is the other effective method as a deterrent to elephants? 其他威慑大象的有效手段是什么?

A. hanging cowbells 悬挂牛铃

Section 4 预防犯罪设计


31. problems are made worse by developments in technology 技术方面的发展是问题恶化

32. Nowadays, one bag often holds lots of expensive items and personal information 现在一个背包通常有许多昂贵的物品和个人信息

33. portable objects put a non-removable phone number on the product 便携物品可以放置无法移除的电话号码

34. bikes – cutting the cable activates a lock 切除线缆将激活锁具

35. Japan – a ball is used to throw at shoplifters 利用球来砸小偷

36. tags – release ink when force off collected 暴力揭开的时候会释放墨水

37. properly designed products help lower insurance costs 设计合理的产品帮助降低保险花费

38. the worst places are bus stops and transport depots 最坏的地方是公共汽车站和交通聚集地

39. poor lighting 照明很差

40. places such as corners where people can hide 诸如角落这种人们可以躲藏的地方






2019年1-4月雅思口语题库 雅思口语part1答案

2019年1-4月雅思口语题库 雅思口语part2答案




Some people think certain old buildings are worth preserving more than the other ones. Which types of old buildings should be preserved?Do you think the advantages of preserving old buildings outweigh the disadvantages?


本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/11841.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

2019年4月27日雅思考试答案 大陆卷:等您坐沙发呢!


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