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雅思写作大作文范文 雅思写作报告类 高中老师secondary school teachers



These days, in many countries, fewer and fewer people want to become teachers, particularly in secondary schools. What are the reasons for this, and how could the problem be solved?



These days fewer people are interested in becoming high school teachers in many countries. Many reasons contribute to this trend and low wages for teachers and teenage disciplinary problems are most significant among them. However, some solutions can be implemented to encourage talented youth to pursue the teaching profession including better remuneration and reasonable workloads, for example.


Anyone can notice that the number of secondary school teachers is declining and young people are taking more interests in becoming an engineer, pilot, IT professional and doctor, not a teacher. Studies show that teachers are not well paid and their salaries are far less than other professionals like bankers or pilots. This article is from Laokaoya website. Moreover, in many countries, being a high school teacher is not a prestigious career and this social dogma is a culprit to refrain the talented individuals become teachers. In addition, according to disciplinary studied, high school going pupils behaviors is another reason many teachers do not feel like being in the right profession. Parental focus on their children has reduced and consequently, it has created a whole new generation who misbehave in schools.


Some initiatives may encourage the future generation to go into the teaching profession. First, increasing the salaries and benefits for the teachers would be a great step. It would encourage young students to ponder about becoming a teacher. Furthermore, to reduce the teachers’ workloads, schools should employ assistants to help the tutors. Lastly, school authority should get involved in maintaining a better teaching environment and implement corporal punishment for misbehaving pupils.


To conclude, some problems are decreasing the numbers of secondary level teachers, nevertheless, proper solutions are there to address these problems to encourage more talented individuals to come in the teaching profession.



本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/11862.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

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