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剑桥雅思14 Test 2写作Task 2考官范文解析 当代环境问题 剑桥雅思14第二套题目的大作文要求大家探 […]

剑桥雅思14 Test 2写作Task 2考官范文解析 当代环境问题



剑桥雅思14 test 2写作Task 2题目

Some people say that the main environmental problem of our time is the loss of particular species of plants and animals. Others say that there are more important environmental problems.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion

剑桥雅思14 test 2写作Task 2考官范文

Some people consider that the loss of individual species of plants and animals is the main environmental problem of our time. Attempts to preserve rare or dying species are carried out in zoos or other specialist plant and animal facilities, through breeding programmes, preservation orders and other forms of protection and there was genuine sadness among many when the last surviving white rhino died earlier this year.

Survival of the fittest is nature’s way of ruthlessly allowing weaker specimens to die out, although mankind has also contributed to falling animal numbers through hunting and poaching. However, whether saving individual species should be the main focus of environmental protection is debatable. Climate change and excessive use of plastic are just two other major problems that deserve our attention.

The evidence of climate change is there for us all to see: rising sea levels and associated flooding with the loss of homes at low land levels are becoming more frequent. Many countries and island communities are now calling for urgent action to delay, halt or even reverse the process, although if we believe the experts, reversal is impossible. Habitable areas are gradually shrinking, often for some of the poorest groups of people but there seems to be little obvious action taking place. If the major contributors to climate change will not support the reduction of greenhouse gases, there is little hope for the future.

Naturalists have also begun to expose the serious problem arising from discarded plastic waste. Birds and animals can die gruesome deaths through being trapped or caught up in plastic bags or ropes, while the long process required for these plastics to decay means that they remain a threat for many years to come. Worse, there is now beginning to be evidence of sea creatures ingesting smaller globules of disintegrating plastic, which harms them and all the other creatures in their particular food chain.

The loss of particular species, both flora and fauna, is cause for regret, but I do not agree that they are the most important environmental problems these days. If climate change and damage from plastic continue, there will be less land and less food for everyone including plants and animals.

剑桥雅思14 test 2写作Task 2考官范文解析

Task Response

1. 文章全面回答了题目中的问题。第一段没有像我们平日里所见的文章那样,先介绍背景,而是直接就动物灭绝的观点展开讨论,并延续到第二段。第三段和四段则分别列举了两个动物灭绝之外的问题:气候变化和塑料垃圾,并指出它们危害的严重性。


2. 作者对自己的论点进行了充分论证。前两段介绍人类在动物灭绝中所扮演的角色,并为阻止它们灭绝所做出的努力。第三段以气候变化为主,论述它对人类生存空间的影响。第四段主要从鸟类和海洋生物论述塑料的危害。每一种观点都事实详尽。

Coherence and Cohesion

1. 文章整体逻辑结构完整。第一段论述动物保护的观点,第二段承接上文并引出其他危害。第三段介绍气候变化,第四段介绍塑料危害,最后一段总结。

2. 文章主要使用逻辑连接的方式(即一句话的开头或者主语承接上一句话中已经出现过的成分)使行文流畅、通顺、自然。

Lexical Resource


Grammatical Range and Accuracy

1. 作为雅思官方给出的范文,这篇文章肯定不存在任何语法错误。

2. 这篇文章使用了各种各样的复杂句,从开头算起,出现了:宾语从句,时间状语从句,让步状语从句,whether引导的主语从句,限定性定语从句,条件状语从句等。

剑桥雅思14 test 2写作Task 2高分词汇短语总结

attempt n. 尝试

rare or dying species 稀少或者正在灭绝的动物

breeding programmes 繁殖项目

genuine sadness 真实的悲伤

ruthlessly adv. 无情地,冷酷地

poaching n. 偷猎

debatable adj. 有争议的。

excessive adj. 过度的。

call for 呼吁

urgent action 立刻行动

halt v. 暂停,停止

reverse v. 扭转

discard v. 丢弃,抛弃

gruesome adj. 恐怖的,可怕的

ingest v. 摄入

food chain n. 食物链

cause for regret 后悔的原因


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