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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Math 数学 数学类的题目在雅思口语Part One中最近又浮出了水面,上次 […]

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Math 数学

数学类的题目在雅思口语Part One中最近又浮出了水面,上次考到还是在多年以前的事情了。该话题难度适中,也是我们大家在学习生涯中比较熟悉的科目,因此在问题上面不会感到特别陌生。不过老烤鸭雅思小编需要提醒大家的是,即便碰到熟悉的题目也不可掉以轻心,尽量减少表达错误。平时练习过程中,可以看到下面的题目后,自己先回答一番,然后再进结合老烤鸭原创范文进行行学习和巩固练习。


Do you think maths is difficult? 你认为数学困难吗?

Yes, I do. I think it’s a nightmare for me. I remember when I was in high school, I always stumbled over math problems, especially geometry. I put a lot of effort and time into it but still failed my exams quite often. So, it’s been rocket science for me.


What can people do with maths in their daily life?人们在日常生活中能够用数学干什么?

Well, what I can think of at the moment is that maths can be used to calculate the costs when we go shopping. You know, this article is from Laokaoya website, there aren’t always calculators available especially on the street markets. So, being able to do simple maths is quite essential as it will save us a lot of time.


Do you learn maths now? Why/why not? 你现在学习数学吗?为什么/不呢?

Yes, I do. Although I am not a math major student, there’s a compulsory maths course to take this semester. So, I have to learn it well to pass the exam. But, in the future, I guess I won’t touch it because I don’t need to use it anymore.


Do students learn maths in secondary schools in China? 中国的学生在中学的时候学习数学吗?

Yes, they do. Maths course is an integral part of their curriculums. They have to get good scores from it to be admitted to better higher education programs. Basically, they learn it on a daily basis and have a lot of assignments on that. This is the time when they learn maths the most in their life except for those students majoring in maths.



Do you often use a calculator? 你经常使用计算器吗?

Yes, I use it a lot. I usually use it when I am doing math assignments or sitting for an exam that allows me to take a calculator. I honestly find it quite useful as it helps me save my time.


Are girls generally good at mathematics? 总得来说女孩子们擅长数学吗?

No, I don’t think they are generally. I don’t think mathematics is what they are good at. But, don’t get me wrong. The reason why I think so is that most girls just somehow don’t find any interest in it.


Do you think it is difficult to learn mathematics well? 你认为学习数学困难吗?

Yes, I do. Mathmathatics is regarded as one of the most difficult subjects in school. I just feel that the hardest part is that you have to have a very clear logic while understanding and doing math assignments. This article is from Laokaoya website. Plus, it requires a lot of time and effort to practice.


Do you think mathematics is important? 你认为数学重要吗?

Definitely, I do! I feel that math has become one of the most essential things people have to master in the 21st century if you want to succeed in a way. You know what, technology has been developed so boomingly, for example, the AI and the 5G. Without having a concrete knowledge of basic math, it’s really hard to get a job in this circle.



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