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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Market 市场 市场这个话题在雅思口语part one中出现的次数不多,不 […]


雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Market 市场

市场这个话题在雅思口语part one中出现的次数不多,不过曾经考过一道与街市购物相关的话题卡《 Describe a time that you were shopping in a street market》烤鸭们可以在准备这道题目的时候一并学习一下,很有可能在第一部分派上用场。现在虽然城市化改革以及公共卫生的条件改善,我们在城里头见到的市场少了,尤其是street market这样的集市,但是不管是街市还是超市,都算market。不过如果在农贸市场买过菜的考生们相比知道在体验上还是和超市有很大不同的。老烤鸭小编提醒考生们在听考官问题的时候一定要留意用词用语的准确。

Are there many street markets in China? 中国的街头市场多吗?

Yes, there are. Usually, it’s quite common in small towns where there are fewer supermarkets to get easy access to. Street markets are very convenient in China for people to buy some groceries, so you don’t have to take buses or walk a long distance to get them.


Do you often go to the supermarket? 你经常去超市吗?

Yes, I do. There’s a supermarket just near my apartment building. I usually go there during the evenings to get some daily necessities for the next day. You know, this article is from Laokaoya website, to make sure the foods I eat are fresh, it’s better to go there every day or at least three times a week.

是的,经常去的。我家单元楼附近就有家超市。 同通常情况下会在晚上的时候去那里采购第二天的日常必需品。要保证我吃的食物是新鲜的,就最好每天去一次或者至少一周去个三次。

What are the differences between street markets and supermarkets? 街市和超市的区别是什么?

Well, interesting question. Compared to street markets, supermarkets have way more items, and the price is usually set and you can’t change it. On the other hand, at the street markets, you can bargain a little bit for the price with the merchants and the sanitary condition there is usually not that good.


What do street markets sell? 街市里都卖一些什么?

There are many products we can see in street markets. Usually, they sell groceries, for example, veggies and fruits, which are daily necessities and are often cheaper than those in the supermarkets. Also, you can sometimes expect to see some antiques there, but it’s better to have a double check because they might be fake.



本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/12231.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Market 市场:目前有1 条评论

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    2020-01-28 13:20 [回复]


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