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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:animals 动物 动物类别的话题不算新,曾经在口语第二部分话题卡和第三部分 […]

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:animals 动物


Have you ever kept pets? 你曾经养过宠物吗?

Yes, I have. When I was a child, I used to buy ducks and goldfishes at the gate of my primary school and keep them as pets. I believe a lot of Chinese children have the same experience. But I was never a good keeper. Most of them would die in 3 or 4 days either because I forgot to feed them or I give them too much food.


Do you like to go to the zoo? 你喜欢去动物园吗?

No, I do not. The sanitary condition in the zoo is normally unsatisfactory. You can smell the stink from the animals and where they live even when you just set your foot in the area. It can cause quite unpleasant feelings. Moreover, the animals in the zoo are quite lazy. They are pretty used to the gaze of the tourists and barely move.


Have you ever seen any wild animals before? 你曾经见过什么野生动物吗?

As a person who was born in the city, grew up in the city and still lives in the city, I have never seen any wild animals in my life. This article is from Laokaoya website. I guess the bustling city life may scare them off and the expansion of the city has taken up their habitat, driving them out into those inhabitable areas, where I have never been.


What wild animal do you like most? 你最喜欢哪种野生动物?

My favorite wild animal is the arctic fox, also known as the snow fox, because of their snowy fur. I have once seen a video introducing how this kind of creature hunt. It first tracked the trace on the snow and when it found something, it jumped high, dived into the snow with its head down and caught the prey. It is a beautiful, cute predator.



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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:animals 动物:等您坐沙发呢!


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