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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:voices 声音 与声音相关的雅思口语第一部分的问题也是本季度的新题,难度系 […]


雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:voices 声音

与声音相关的雅思口语第一部分的问题也是本季度的新题,难度系数中等。通常情况下PART ONE涉及的问题不会特别深奥,主要以生活化的问题相关。如果没有经历过类似比如录下自己声音等情况的话,烤鸭们可以发挥自己的想象力或者坦白交代清楚事实即可。重点在于考察大家对于常见问题的描述是否清楚,表达是否流畅。老烤鸭雅思小编建议大家在练习回答如下内容的时候可以同时给自己录音,这样容易纠错。

Has your voice ever changed? 你的声音有变过吗?

Yes, I think so. Just like others, my voice has experienced a natural change during the process of growing up. I mean, when I get older, it has become more mature and less piercing than before. When I call somebody, he or she can immediately recognize that I am a grown-up instead of a child.


Do you enjoy recording your voice and listening to it? 你喜欢录下自己的声音,然后听它吗?

No, I have never done that. Actually, I think it is a bit weird. I am not a singer or an orator, who lives on his or her voice and thus has the need to check it constantly in order to perfect it or see if anything goes wrong. This article is from Laokaoya website. As a normal person, I simply do not care so much about how I sound.


Do you like your own voice? 你喜欢你自己的声音吗?

I have never thought about this question. For me, voice is a quality that I was born with and I accept it just like I accept my arms and legs. It is a part of who I am. Like it or not, I still need to live with it. So, I think my attitude towards it is neutral.


Does your voice sound similar to your parents’? 你的声音跟你父母听起来像吗?

I do not think so. We actually sound quite different. As a boy who has gone through puberty, my voice cracks compared to my mother’s. In terms of my father, he is much older than me. The muscle of his vocal cords has loosened up, which makes his voice sounds a little thicker than me.



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