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雅思G类书信写作范文 给居委会写建议信 今天老烤鸭雅思小编要介绍到的是一道书写建议信/意见信相关的雅思小作文题 […]

雅思G类书信写作范文 给居委会写建议信

今天老烤鸭雅思小编要介绍到的是一道书写建议信/意见信相关的雅思小作文题目。这道题目中涉及了一个概念叫local council,这个叫法在我们中国并没有,但是有类似的组织机构:居委会。

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.


You live in an area where the local council has made some changes to regulations. You believe these changes are not good for the residents.


Write a letter to a councillor. In your letter:


  • introduce yourself 介绍一下你自己
  • describe the problem 描述一下问题所在
  • say what you think the council should do about the situation 说明觉得居委会可以对当前情况做的事情

You should write at least 150 words.


You do NOT need to write any addresses. 你不需要写任何地址

Begin your letter as follows:

Dear ………,

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am Patrick Moon, a resident of Cabourne, Lincolnshire and a medical doctor by profession. I am writing to express my opposing views on the recent changes that the council have applied recently. I hope you would reconsider the imposed changes as they are against the people’s interests.

我的名字叫Patrick Moon,是林肯郡Cabourne的居民,也是一名职业医生。我写信是为了表达最近居委会出台最新政策改变的不同意见。由于这些改变与居民的利益相违背,我希望您能够再三考虑这个改变。

The decision to restrict public entry to the Central Lincolnshire Park is not acceptable to most of the residents. This article is from Laokaoya webiste. Many residents, with whom I have talked to in the past weeks, feel very negatively regarding the council’s decision. Moreover, the council has decided to impose a weekly subscription fee for the public library access which I believe is not a good move considering a large number of student members.


The ‘Central Lincolnshire Park’ is a place where local residents can freely walk, meet others, enjoy the scenic beauty of mother nature and play with children. It should be open to all. Moreover, the library access should be free to students while you can expect some membership fees from other readers. Please reconsider the changes that have been recently made as they are no way helping people which is one of the important responsibilities of the council.


I would really appreciate if you analyse the changes and put people’s interests above all.


Yours faithfully,


Patrick Moon




本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/15868.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思G类书信写作范文 给居委会写建议信:等您坐沙发呢!


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