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What are the disadvantages when there are too many tour […]


What are the disadvantages when there are too many tourists in one site?旅游景区太多人 都有哪些不好呢-雅思口语准备。


There are actually many disadvantages when it comes to the squishy scenic spot. The most severe problem is that I might wait for a long time in a queue to take a dump in the public toilet, which is the most awkward thing that has already happened in my real life. What’s else? Well, I guess, if there’s a lot of tourists in one site, you are not going to appreciate the spots, you probably can’t stop watching the PEOPLE!

当一提起拥挤的旅游景点,还是有很多不好的地方的。最严重的问题就是,我如果要拉屎了,我估计会在公共厕所外面排队等好久才能进去。这个是最尴尬的事情,它还真的在我生活中发生过。 :arrow:  其它的话,我觉得如果游客多了的话,你就不再欣赏风景了,你其实在看人👀!

回到之前雅思口语考官问道的第一题:What kinds of tourist sites are popular in your country? 不要掉了任何一道雅思口语准备的题。

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What are the disadvantages when there are too many tourists in one site?旅游景区太多人 都有哪些不好呢 雅思口语准备:等您坐沙发呢!


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