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What kinds of leisure facilities are popular in your co […]


What kinds of leisure facilities are popular in your country? 雅思口语准备part three思路剖析

本题属于 家乡的休闲娱乐设施 P3相关问题范畴。


这道题的有人觉得很难,因为“我也不知道啊,我一学校上学的学生,现在都不知道自己学校外面发生了什么样的变化,更别提啥娱乐活动了… :arrow:


Actually, I haven’t been out of school for quite a long time. But, to my knowledge, there are many exercising facilities which are free of charge under nearly every residential building block in China. I often saw lots of people, especially the old and the little, play some of these facilities to relax after dinner in the evening. And, I think it’s a very nice thing for the government or maybe some NGOs to do something beneficial for all the residents.

其实我已经好久没有出校园外面转转了。但是,目前就我了解到的情况来看,在中国,几乎每个小区底下都有免费的健身娱乐的器械共大家使用。我经常在晚上看见老老小小的人们吃完晚餐就跑哪里去放松放松。 我觉得,政府或者一些非盈利机构搞的这些器材真的是为市民们带来了很大的利益,是个非常好的举措。

想知道考官就此还会问啥?查看》》》Do you think entertainment methods will be home-based in the future?

雅思备考温馨提示:如何使用老烤鸭网站帮助你备考? — TIP: 使用老烤鸭搜索栏输入你想要准备的相关话题卡即可 :)

本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/1541.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

What kinds of leisure facilities are popular in your country? 雅思口语准备:等您坐沙发呢!


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