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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:spending time by yourself 独处时光 与独处相关的口语 […]


雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:spending time by yourself 独处时光


How do you usually spend your time by yourself? 你独处的时候一般干什么?

Mostly playing games. Thanks to the development of game console, internet, and computers, staying alone is not as monotonous as it used to be. I mean there are various wonderful virtual worlds waiting for me to explore, numerous princesses waiting for me to save, and a lot of evil enemies waiting for me to destroy.


Do you like spending time by yourself? 你喜欢独处吗?

Yes, I do. I am a quiet person, who prefers to immerse myself in my own world and not be disturbed by others. This article is from Laokaoya website. By myself, I can do whatever I want at any time as long as it does not affect others. By contrast, with friends, I have to consider their feelings, arrangement, schedules and so on, which is annoying.


What did you do last time you were by yourself? 上次自己一个人的时候,你做了什么?

Well, let me see. It was yesterday evening. I stayed at the hotel near this school by myself. After finishing a test on the Cambridge IELTS Book and practicing oral English for a little while, I straightly went to bed at about 10 o’clock, so that I would be in my best condition to attend this exam.


Do you usually spend time by yourself? 你经常独处吗?

Actually no. I am a university student, living in the dormitory my school provides, which means I need to study with my classmates and sleep with my roommates. And wherever I go, like the playground, library, there are always some other students there. So even I do like to stay by myself, it is hard to achieve under the current circumstances.



本文固定链接: http://www.laokaoya.com/17503.html | 老烤鸭雅思-专注雅思备考

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:spending time by yourself 独处时光:等您坐沙发呢!


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