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鼓励自行车的使用-雅思写作报告类-雅思大作文范文 这篇雅思写作大作文要求大家探讨的问题十分贴近生活,即骑行无论 […]


这篇雅思写作大作文要求大家探讨的问题十分贴近生活,即骑行无论是对身体还是环境都有好处,但它却没有那么受欢迎,其原因是什么?又可以采用哪些方式鼓励人们骑自行车出行。针对这道题目,我们可以聊聊以下几个方面:1. 出行距离较长,自行车太耽误时间。2. 没有专门的自行车道,在机动车道骑行不安全。3. 夏天骑自行车会出汗,办公室没有洗澡的地方等。老烤鸭小编搜集了一篇相关的高分范文以供大家参考。


Many people believe that bicycle is a healthy and environmentally friendly mode of transport. However, it is still unpopular in many countries. What are the reasons? What could be done to encourage the use of bicycles among the wider population?




It has been a while since the eco-friendly transportation bicycle was first introduced and its popularity seems to has decreased in many countries and this could have happened due to various reasons. However, some effective measures could be helpful to encourage society to use cycles.



A few decades ago bicycle was used as one of the main transportations and with the invention of motorized vehicles, the popularity of the cycle has decreased. A cycle, in the past, was seen as far convenient than walking or using animal-driven transports. People could move faster with the help of a cycle and that made this vehicle quite popular in many countries. However, when the motorized vehicle was introduced, people switched to that as later one is faster and can carry more goods at a time. The safe and green mode of transport – cycle, became less popular as people started using cars for commuting. Moreover, the safety of the cyclist is a significant issue. Because nowadays roads are full of motor vehicles, the safety of two-wheelers cannot be ensured. In addition to that, slow speed discourages many people from the use of cycles. Finally, cycles are inefficient for long-distance transportation.



However, some key elements are there to gain back the cyclists to the road again. Firstly, governments should implement a separate cycling path dedicated to the cyclist and that would ensure the safety of the cyclists. In addition to that, providing secure parking facilities will also encourage many to use cycles. Restriction on car ownership and increasing the price of fuel would encourage many to use cycle instead of driving cars. Finally, awareness campaigns to educate people about the health and environmental benefits of using a bicycle could be a great step to motivate more people to use it daily.



To conclude, a government has a great role to play to motivate its citizens to use bicycles and this would guarantee a green environment and a healthy nation.



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