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雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Furniture 家具 与funiture相关话题的内容曾经在口语话题卡以及 […]

雅思口语Part1范文答案解析:Furniture 家具

与funiture相关话题的内容曾经在口语话题卡以及Part three中出现过。但是,最近几年却没有出现在口语的第一部分。这类话题的难度系数适中,比较贴近生活。毕竟我们所有人的家里都或多或少有一些家具。因此,大家在练习这类题目的同时不妨多多结合自己生活中的经历和感受来谈一谈。老烤鸭依然建议大家看到如下题目之后,先给自己一点时间思考并口头作答,然后再参考老烤鸭给出的原创范文进行学习。

Do you have a lot of furniture in your home? 你家里有很多家具吗?

Yes, I do. My mom is a furniture lover. So, she has collected a lot of fancy furniture in our home. Most of the models are not available in the market now.


Is there anyone who bought furniture for you? 有人为你买过家具吗?

Yes, there is. When I moved to a new house several years ago, my uncle bought me a nicely-looking bookshelf from Ikea. It was made of wood and was not big but was a perfect match for my room. This article is from Laokaoya website. Now, this little thing still sits bedsides my desk.


What kind of furniture would you like to buy? 你喜欢买哪种类型的家具?

I don’t buy furniture quite often. So, I actually have no idea. But, I guess I would probably like to buy chairs. You know, I usually sit for hours at home. So, picking up some comfortable chairs would be nice.


Which furniture do you like best in your home? 在你家里,你最喜欢哪个家具?

I think it’s still the bookshelf that my uncle bought me years ago. The biggest reason why I love it most is that I’m fond of reading, and that bookshelf has helped me a lot in terms of storing those books I read or that am about to read.



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