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四个国家的购物习惯-雅思写作柱状图bar chart-雅思大作文范文 four countries&#8217 […]

四个国家的购物习惯-雅思写作柱状图bar chart-雅思大作文范文 four countries’ spending habits of shopping



The bar chart below gives information about four countries spending habits of shopping on consumer goods in 2012.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

雅思小作文题目 四个国家的消费习惯


The bar chart compares the consumer spending on six different items in four countries in 2012. A glance at the graph reveals that Brtish spent the highest amount for purchasing these consumer goods in 2012.


As the data presents, in 2012, Spaniards spent exactly 150 thousand pound sterling buying console games, which cost roughly 145 thousand for Belgian and Austrian consumers. Brits spent the highest amount on gaming consoles and it was over 165 million. For outdoor gaming accessories, English spent slightly more than that when Austrians’ spending was the least, 140 million.


Furthermore, Books cost around 160 million for British and Austrians while it was 15 million less for Belgians. Besides, Toys cost equally to the citizens of Spain and Austria, 157 roughly. Spaniards’ spending on these items were somewhat close.


It is worth noticing that, English consumers disbursed the highest amount on all these consumer goods and their maximum spending was for cameras, 170 million pound. Belgian consumers spent the least and their major share of spending went on outdoor game accessories for which they paid 150 million. Finally, toys and cameras cost the highest for the customers in these countries in 2012.



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